A collaboration between Rianna Suen and Mariana Marangoni, commissioned by the National Poetry Library and the Phoenix Theatre and Arts Centre for the Playing Poetry exhibition.
- Are.na - Platform for connecting ideas and building knowledge
- artisan.chat - Social network for creators, crafters, and artists
- mastodon.art - Friendly creative social network
- Monoskop - Wiki for arts and studies
- Ravelry - Community site, organizational tool, and yarn & pattern database for knitters and crocheters
- Stitchcord - Knitting discord
- botsin.space - Social network instance for bots and bot allies
- Botwiki - Interesting and creative online bots
- That Creative Code Page - Illustrated catalog of useful creative coding algorithms & techniques
- Explorable Explanations - Hub for learning through play
- Sci-Hub - Pirate website that provides mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers
- itch.io - Find and share indie games online for free
- mastodon.gamedev.place - Gamedev social network
- Meditations - Launcher that, every day, loads a small game and an accompanying text as a meditation, distraction, lesson, or inspiration
- Newgrounds - Animated films and games
- The Useless Web - A portal to the weird of the internet
- Goodreads - Database of books, annotations, quotes, and reviews
- Internet Archive - Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more
- oulipo.social - Social network where you can't use the letter e
- Glitch - Friendly community where everyone builds the web
- mmm.page - Dead simple, drag & drop websites
- Run Your Own Social - How to run a small social network site for your friends
- tinytools.directory - Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
- default filename tv - Youtube videos that were uploaded from the camera without edits to the filename
- Internet Archive - Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more
- Letterboxd - Social network for film lovers
- Newgrounds - Animated films and games
- Thought Maybe - Library of films focused on topics challenging modern society