
Control SenseME enabled devices from Haiku with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A firmware update from BAF in April 2022 uses a new API, making this package obsolete.


Control your fans and other Big Ass devices

NPM Version GitHub license Dependency status

haiku-senseme is a Node.js module for controlling SenseME-enabled devices by Haiku.


This module is distributed through NPM:

npm install @nightbird/haiku-senseme --save


This module handles two aspects of working with SenseME devices: discovery and control. Discovered devices are presented as a series of founddevice events; when devices disappear, a lostdevice event will be emitted.

For example, to print the names of all SenseME devices on the local network:

import { SenseME } from 'haiku-senseme';

  .on('founddevice', dev => {
    console.log(`Found: ${dev.name}`);
  .on('lostdevice', dev => {
    console.log(`Lost: ${dev.name}`);

Discovery will continue indefinitely until you stop it:

import { SenseME } from 'haiku-senseme';

SenseME.getAllDevices().forEach(dev => dev.disconnect());

If you know the IP address and either the name or the MAC address of your device, you can skip discovery altogether if you prefer:

import { Device } from 'haiku-senseme';

const dev = new Device({ name: 'Living Room Fan', ip: 'aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd' });

// It's too cold in here.
dev.fan.power.value = 'off';

Controllable properties of the fan are exposed as a set of nested properties on the Device object. For instance:

// Turn the fan on
dev.fan.power.value = 'on';

// How about a light breeze?
dev.fan.whooshMode.value = 'on';

// Plus, it's a little dark...
dev.light.power.value = 'on';

// But that's too much!
dev.light.brightness.value = 3;

For full details, see the API docs.

Since other devices on the network might change some of these values, it's also possible to request fresh values directly from the fan, as well as to get notification when values change:


// keep track of changes in speed
  .on('change', speed => console.log(`Current speed: ${speed}`));

// keep track of any change to any property
  .on('change', ({ path, value }) => {
      // prints ["fan", "speed"]

      // prints 5

dev.fan.speed.value = 5;

If you install one of the Observable libraries supported by any-observable, you can also get property change notifications as an Observable stream:

import 'any-observable/register/rxjs-all';
import { Device } from 'haiku-senseme';

const dev = new Device({ name: 'Living Room', ip: '...' });

// It's very important that I know when the fan speed drops below 3...
  .map(x => x < 3)
  .filter(x => x)
    x => console.log(`Oh no! The fan's going too slow! (current speed: ${x}`)

// You can also observe changes in all properties
  // but really I only care about fan properties
  .filter(({ path: [category] }) => category === 'fan')
    ({ path: [, ...prop], value }) => {
      console.log(`Something about the fan has changed: ${prop}, ${value}`);


Contributions are of course always welcome. If you find problems, please report them in the Issue Tracker. If you've made an improvement, open a pull request.

Getting set up for development is very easy:

git clone <your fork>
cd haiku-senseme
npm install -g babel-cli # if you don't already have it
npm install

And the development workflow is likewise straightforward:

# make a change to the src/ file, then...
npm run build
npm run example # run the bundled example script

# if you change the documentation:
npm run docs

# or if you want to clean up all the leftover build products:
npm run clean

Release History

  • 3.1.0

    • added color temperature commands
  • 3.0.7

    • switch from just-remove to lodash array method
  • 3.0.5

    • added TypeScript type definitions
  • 3.0.3

    • updated to bind send/recv sockets to same port
    • refresh all dependencies
  • 2.0.3

    • forty2#3
    • Adds support for running on machines with multiple network interfaces. The original only sent out the discovery request on the (first?) interface
    • Misc build updates
  • 1.1.0

    • Split QueuedSocket.js into its own module, now called message-socket
    • Switch from js-logger to debug for logging.
  • 1.0.0

    • The first release.


Original Author: Zach Bean – zb@forty2.com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more detail.