Please do NOT use VSCode live-server. It will not work. Use the npm commands suggested to you here.


npm install --engine-strict

Start only Backend server

npm run server

Start only Frontend server

npm run start

Start both BE & FE in a single command

npm run watch

Important files

├── index.html
├── scripts
│   └── main.js
└── styles
    └── style.css

Maximum Marks - 15

  • The Submission should not contain spaces, for example /rct-101 folder/eval will not work
  • Do not push node_modules and package_lock.json to GitHub
  • Use node version(LTS) should be v16.16.0
  • Don't change/override package.json


✅ able to submit the app - 1 mark ( minimum score )
✅ Display list of employees on page load - 3 marks 
✅ Ability to add new Employee - 3 marks
✅ Ability to update all the fields of an employee - 2 marks
✅ Ability to update only the salary - 2 marks
✅ Ability to sort Low to high data - 1 mark
✅ Ability to sort high to low data - 1 mark
✅ Ability to filters of less than 1Lakh -1 mark
✅ Ability to filters greater than 1Lakh -1 mark

You haven't been taught cypress to run the test cases locally, you can see the passed/ failed test cases and test errors on CP itself.

Some Rules to follow:-

  • Use node version(LTS) should be v16.16.0
  • Don't change/override package.json
  • Before writing a single line of code please read the problem statement very carefully.
  • Don't change the already given ids or classes.
  • If you don't follow these rules, you might not get any marks even if you do everything correctly.

Problem statements

Problem 1. Display list of employees on page load [3]

fetch url: /employees On page load, a list all employees should be shown in div#data-list-wrapper.


front page


  • elements, classes & IDs should be identical to the below screenshot.
  • The data should be fetched , make a 'GET' request at ${baseServerURL}/employees
  • The employees should be shown on page load

front page mark up

Problem 2. Ability to add new Employee [3]

add employee

  • make a 'POST' request at ${baseServerURL}/employees the page must not reload the list must update

Problem 3. Ability to update all the fields of an employee [2]

  • Able to populate following input on edit link click.
  • add a event listener with click to anchor tag with class .card-link use preventDefault.
  • The page should not re-load on the click of the EDIT link .card-link.
  1. To updated all fields
  • #update-employee-id should be populated with the id of the employee
  • #update-employee-name should be populated with the name of the employee
  • #update-employee-image should be populated with the image URL of the employee
  • #update-employee-dept should be populated with the department of the employee
  • #update-employee-salary should be populated with the salary of the employee


  • make a 'PATCH' request at ${baseServerURL}/employees/${empId} to updated name , image ,dept and salary
  • page must not reload
  • the list must update

Problem 4. Ability to update only the salary [2]

  • Able to populate following input on edit link click.

  • #update-score-employee-id should be populated with the id of the employee

  • #update-score-employee-salary should be populated with the price of the employee

  • Once the edit inputs are populated, if the user clicks #update-score-employee.

  • the salary of that particular employee should update based on the value entered in the #update-score-employee-salary.

  • The salary of the employee in the list should update without any page reloads.

  • make a 'PATCH' request at ${baseServerURL}/employees/${empId}

Problem 5. Ability to sort data by salary [2]


  • On click of the button #sort-low-to-high, the employee list should be sorted in ascending order based on their salary.
  • On click of the button #sort-high-to-low, the employee list should be sorted in descending order based on their salary.
  • You may use any approach of your choice for sorting. You may sort the available data or you may make a new fetch request to the server and update the list. In case you want to fetch data, please use the JSON Server documentation.
  • page must not reload
  • the list must update

Problem 6. Ability to filter data by salary [2]


  • When the button #filter-less-than-1L is clicked, the employee list is expected to be filtered. It should only show the employees whose salary is less than 1Lakh.
  • When the button #filter-more-than-equal-1L is clicked, the employee list is expected to be filtered. It should only show the employees whose salary is more than or equal to 1Lakh.
  • You may use any approach of your choice for sorting. You may sort the available data or you may make a new fetch request to the server and update the list. In case you want to fetch data, please use the JSON Server documentation.
  • page must not reload
  • the list must update

General guidelines

  • The system on cp.masaischool.com may take between 1-20 minutes for responding,
  • so we request you to read the problem carefully and debug it before itself
  • we also request you not just submit it last minute
  • try to keep one submission at a time
  • Use ${baseServerURL}/what-ever-route for server url & not localhost:9090/what-ever-route in your solution. Failing to do so may cause all the tests to fail.
  • If you try to use VSCodes live server, it won’t work. Use the npm commands provided in this file only.