VIVO Harvester VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists Thanks for your interest in using the harvester. Below is a listing of resources for documentation and help. Wiki: Example scripts The example-scripts directory contains example scripts for reference and demonstration. These are meant as a guide and template to follow for your own harvest. The xml configuration files found in our example-scripts/ folders document each parameter used (and some unused). HELP Messages The --help message for each tool is always up-to-date on what parameters exist, but sparse on explanation To see a help message, run <HarvesterInstallationDirectory>/bin/harvester-<toolName> --help Example: /usr/share/vivo/harvester/bin/harvester-databaseclone --help Reporting bugs / researching existing bugs & workarounds The VIVO JIRA Bug Tracker @ Cornell or GITHUB
An ETL tool for transferring data from traditional systems into Semantic Systems.