Innogy project one, interacting two APIs
- This is a web app that Vusi can use to search for innogy School projects locations to find a school that is best convenient for him to study and travel to.
- Used google maps Api.
- Used the schools development Api.
- Integrated Bothe Google and schools Development Api's.
- EsLinting
- Minification
- create a github repository and deploy.
- Type the Name of the City in the Search Box.
- Click on search situated on the top right hand conner of the page.
- Zoom in the map.
- Zoom out on the map
- Enable satellite view
- View map on full screen.
- Enable screen view.
- Click on the school name to Display schools details.
Clone or download this repository to your machine from GitHub.
Go to the terminal and and copy and paste the following code;
$ git clone
What things you need to install the software and how to install them? NodeJS
Before you try to install NodeJS open a terminal window and try to run it by typing, node -v. If NodeJS is installed it should tell you which version you have. Alternatively the command will fail and you will need to install it. *To install it on Mac Operating System you can use Brew a Package Manager.You will use this like you using npm on the Ubuntu.
- nvm - node version manager
- To install it on Ubuntu you can use The Package Manager.
- In the command line, navigate to the project one directory.Once you are in the appropriate folder double click on the index.html page.
- Types the name of the City he wants to find the innogy Projects in.
- Press the search button to view schools around the city
- If Vusi doesn't know any Cities, He can click on the school names on the left hand side.
- Vusi can zoom in the map to see where the school is located
- Vusi can then scroll down after searching so that he will be able to see more details below the Map, which are:
- School Name
- Address
- City
- Status
The app is deployed to gitHub pages.
The best practices in this article assume that you have:
Node.js and npm installed. an existing Node.js app.
Navigate to your downloads Extract this File You need to navigate into your Project-one Directory. Double Click on the index.Html page.
Google Maps Api Education Projects Api Bootstrap - The web framework used
"version": "1.0.0",
Viwe Somagaca Nonzulu Kala