
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

SaferPay.NetCore Json Api V1.36

This repository is an implementation of the SaferPay.Net library (https://github.com/bmbsqd/saferpay-net), with updates to use .NetCore 6.0 and RestSharp instead of HttpClient, and all methods extented by sync and async call.

The implementation is based on the latest version of the JSON API, v1.36, which can be found at the following URL: http://saferpay.github.io/jsonapi/#ChapterTransaction.

You can find Test Cards and explanation of usage at https://docs.saferpay.com/home/integration-guide/testing-and-go-live#visa-and-v-pay

What's New

  • Upgrade to .NetCore 6.0
  • HttpClient has been replaced by RestSharp
  • Updated to use the latest version of the JSON API, v1.36
  • Replaced BaseUri with SandBox mode, and BaseUri is now generated based on SandBox mode for testing or live.
  • Updated and improved constructors for easier usage.
  • Added descriptions to Properties based on api document.
  • Converted string properties to Enum values.
  • Added Examples and Test Console App in Solution.
  • Added Interface Channels to ease of usage.
  • Added Extensions for most used methods directly use in client.
  • Added IsSuccess and Error properties in ResultObject.
  • Updated all enum values, models, interfaces.


  • Implemented all methods
  • Payment Page Methods : Initialize, Assert
  • Transaction Methods : Initialize, Authorize, QueryPaymentMeans, AdjustAmount, AuthorizeDirect, AuthorizeReferenced, Capture, MultipartCapture, AssertCapture, MultipartFinalize, Refund, AssertRefund, RefundDirect, Cancel, RedirectPayment, AssertRedirectPayment, Inquire, AlternativePayment, QueryAlternativePayment
  • Secure Card Data : Insert, AssertInsert, InsertDirect, Update, Delete
  • Batch : Close
  • Omni Channel : InsertAlias, AcquireTransaction

Global Settings and Usage (With Client Extensions)

Define Settings;

SaferPay.Config.Settings.Default.Username = "ApiUserName";
SaferPay.Config.Settings.Default.Password = "ApiPassword";
SaferPay.Config.Settings.Default.TerminalId = "TerminalId";
SaferPay.Config.Settings.Default.CustomerId = "CustomerId";
SaferPay.Config.Settings.Default.SandBox = true;

Get Client Instance;

ISaferPayClient Client = SaferPay.Config.Settings.Client();

Initialize request for Payment Page;

string OrderID = "123456";

InitializePaymentPageRequest req = new InitializePaymentPageRequest();
req.TerminalId = TestConfig.TerminalId;
req.Payment = new Payment(123.45M, "TRY", OrderID);
req.ReturnUrl = $"{TestConfig.WebPage}payment-page?orderId={OrderID}";

Call Api Async;

var result = await Client.InitializePaymentPageAsync(req);
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
    // Success
    Console.Write("Response Successful : ");
else if (result != null)
    // Failed
    Console.Write("Response Failed : ");
    // Error
    Console.Write("Error !");

Call Api Sync;

var result = Client.InitializePaymentPage(req);
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
    // Success
    Console.Write("Response Successful : ");
} else if(result != null)
    // Failed
    Console.Write("Response Failed : ");
} else
    // Error
    Console.Write("Error !");

Basic Usage With Interface Channels

Initialize the ApiClient;

ISaferPayClient Client = new SaferPayClient("CustomerId", "TerminalId", "UserName", "PassWord", true);

Get Interface Channel to use, example based on Transaction;

ITransaction payment = Client.Transaction;

Created Credit Card request;

string OrderID = "123456";

InitializeRequest req = new InitializeRequest(TestConfig.TerminalId, 123.45M, "TRY", OrderID, $"{TestConfig.WebPage}transaction?orderId={OrderID}").SetCard("9010004150000009", 12, 30, "123", "Card Holder Name");

Call Api Async;

var result = await payment.InitializeAsync(req);
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
    // Success
    Console.Write("Response Successful : ");
else if (result != null)
    // Failed
    Console.Write("Response Failed : ");
    // Error
    Console.Write("Error !");

Call Api Sync;

var result = payment.Initialize(req);
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
    // Success
    Console.Write("Response Successful : ");
} else if(result != null)
    // Failed
    Console.Write("Response Failed : ");
} else
    // Error
    Console.Write("Error !");