NAS-HA are reduncdant servers over a ZFS Storage, exposed using NFS.
Each partition has an IP access list, empty on creation. You have to add your OVHCLOUD service ( Dedicated Server, Public Cloud Instance, etc ... ) IPv4 address to this list to allow partition mounting.
When using NFS on Kubernetes, each node ExternalIp must be added to this list. Due to the nature of kubernetes clusters ( ephemeral nodes and autoscaling ).
This operator runs as DaemonSet on every nodes, registering the node's External IP on the configured partition at runtime, unregistering on exit.
When using private networks with gateway, all outgoing node traffic is flowing thru the private interface via the gateway. This is nice for security concerns, and having a single source IP address on your cluster is convenient.
The NAS-HA acces list only authorizes nodes public Ips', you cannot join them from private networks, you have to route the traffic thru the public interface.
The route-fixer DaemonSet detects routing to the NAS-HA ip and adds a route if needed.
This operator requires an OVH API access, create one on with unlimited validity and GET+POST+DELETE rights on /dedicated/nasha/*
NAS-HA partition definition needs 4 parameters, name
(the name of the partition), ip
(the NAS-ha IPv4), nasha
(the NAS-HA name, something like zpool-xxxxx
) and exclusive
(boolean, cleanup all unknown accesses on operator on start).
# create the secret first
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: nasha-ovh.conf
namespace: ovh-system
type: Opaque
endpoint: ovh-eu
application_key: xxxx
application_secret: xxxx
consumer_key: xxxx
helm repo add ovh-nasha-operator
helm install ovh-nasha-operator ovh-nasha-operator \
--repo \
--namespace ovh-system \
--set partitions[0].name=mypartition \
--set partitions[0].nasha=zpool-xxxx \
--set partitions[0] \
--set partitions[0].exclusive=false