
Cryptocurrencies Details

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting start in Crypto World

  • On start project using npm start
  • We will see the statistics of the crypto world!

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_30_50

Now we will see the world's top 10 cryptocurrencies!

  • using coinranking api.

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_31_00

By clicking on Top 10 Currencies show more option we direccted to Cryptocurrencies page which show Top 100 cryptocurrencies in the world, We also can search any of them by clicking on search Cryptocurrencies.

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_31_09

We also can see Latest nine News on Cryptocurrencies.

  • using bing search news Api.

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_31_25

On clicking show more latest news option we direct land on news page.

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_31_33

We can search latest news based on any cryptocurrency.

CryptoVerse - Google Chrome 03_06_2022 14_31_42