

  1. create directory named "my_data_dir", and copy files with list of ip address, in this directory. Modify the config.json file to use your "my_data_dir" as a "inputIpListFilesDir"

  2. sudo apt-get install sqlite to install the sqlite. Then modify the config.json file accordingly. Make sure sqliteDataBaseLocation exists.

"sqliteDataBaseLocation": "C://sqlite/db/"
"sqliteDataBaseName": "handshake.db"
"sqliteTableName": "handshakes"
  1. Only few cipher suites are added in protocls, add more if needed.
  2. Install zgrab2 on the system, instructions here. Make sure you addd the path to zgrab2 in PATH variable in linux as PATH=$PATH:YOUR_PATH_TO_zgrab2
  3. To build the project there are two ways either use maven or manual build

Manual Build:

  1. Download jackson-core-2.9.5.jar, jackson-databind-2.9.5.jar, jackson-annotations-2.9.5.jar, json-20180130.jar (for org.json) sqlite-jdbc-3.21.0.jar, download the specified version or the latest one.
  2. To comple from source: javac -cp path_to_dir_where_all_jars_are_stored src/handshaker/*.java
  3. To run: java -cp path_to_dir_where_all_jars_are_stored handshaker.core.HandshakeScanner


  1. Install maven on the system
  2. got to directory where .pom file exists
  3. run command: maven build to build the project, then maven install to create an executeable jar. It will create a jar name *-jar-with-dependencies.jar in target directory. 4. run the jar generated in previous step