
Bootstrap 4 Components For Vue.js 2

Primary LanguageVue

Bootstrap Vue

Twitter Bootstrap 4 Components For Vue.js 2


Quick Start

Install via NPM:

npm i --save-dev bootstrap-vue

import Vue from 'vue'

// Globally register bootstrap-vue components
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue';

Or Simply add this Tags to your templates:

<!--Put this in your Header -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/pi0/bootstrap-vue/master/dist/style.css">

<!--AFTER vue.js and BEFORE your scripts-->
<script src="https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/pi0/bootstrap-vue/master/dist/bootstrapVue.js"></script>

Official Docs And Demo Page (Work in Progress)

/Bootstrap Vue