Bash_scripting Cheatsheet==================


============================================ echo "enter your name" read NAME echo "Your name is ${NAME}"

Output: enter your name vijay Your name is vijay

WD=$(pwd) echo "current working dir is ${WD}"

Output: current working dir is cloudops/usr

WD=$(pwd) echo "enter the name of new directory" read new_dir_name NEW_DIR_PATH="${WD}/${new_dir_name}" mkdir $NEW_DIR_NAME echo "New dir is created at $NEW_DIR_NAME"

Output: enter the name of new directory vijay New dir is created at cloudops/vijay


Output: 22

USE OF FOR LOOP for i in {1..20};do echo "current index is ${i}" done

Output: current index is 1 current index is 2 current index is 3 . . current index is 20

echo "enter the file you want to read" read file_name cat $file_name | while read line; do echo $line done

Output: enter the file you want to read vijay.txt

USE OF FUNCTION myfunc(){ echo "Good morning .. $1" } myfunc $1

Output: #./<file_name> vijay Good morning .. vijay

PASSING MULTIPLR VALUES myfunc(){ echo "Good morning .. $1 and $2" } myfunc $1 $2

Output: #./<file_name> vijay kapil Good morning .. vijay and kapil

GET FUNCTION USING LOCAL VARIABLE getfunction(){ local expectedResult= "some input" read $expectedResult } result="$(getfunction)" echo "Resuilt is : ${result}"

Output: Resuilt is : some input

WE CANNOT PASS INPUT PARAMETER INSIDE FUNCTION , WE NEED TO USE IT OUTSIDE OF FUNCTION getfunction(){ local expectedResult= "some input" read $expectedResult } echo "enter your input" read userInput result="$(getfunction $userInput)" echo "Resuilt is : ${result}"

Output: enter your input test Resuilt is : test

echo "Enter the name of person" read NAME if [[ NAME != "vijay" ]]; then echo "You are not vijay" fi

Output: Enter the name of person vijay You are not vijay

echo "Enter the name of person" read NAME if [[ $NAME != "vijay" ]]; then echo "You are not vijay" else echo "you are ${NAME}" fi

Output: Enter the name of person vijay you are vijay

Enter the name of person kapil you are not vijay

SAMPLE_VARIABLE=$1 if [[ -z $SAMPLE_VARIABLE ]]; then echo "Pass some value in the paramter" elif [[ $SAMPLE_VARIABLE == "na" ]]; then echo "Pass some meaningful value" else echo "Thank you" fi

Output: #./<file_name> na Pass some meaningful value #./<file_name> hi Thank you

for HOST in host1 host2 host3; do echo $HOST done

Output: host1 host2 host3

#! /bin/bash for HOST in host{1..20}; do echo $HOST done

Output: host 1 host 2 . . host 20

#!/bin/bash for file in 'ls /Downloads' ; do echo $file done

Output: It will list the files in downloads folder

Use of $0, $1, $@, $ and $#*

#! /bin/bash echo "file name: $0" echo "first parameter: $1" echo "second parameter: $2" echo "total values: $@" echo "total values: $*" echo "Total numbers of parameters: $#"

execute file by giving input as below

./ vijay gawate

Output: file name: ./ first parameter: vijay second parameter: gawate total values: vijay gawate total values: vijay gawate Total numbers of parameters: 2

*For loop using $ **

#! /bin/bash for TOKEN in $* do echo $TOKEN done

Output: it will print all the content we supply while executing script ./ vijay is smart

Actual output:---- vijay is smart

Use of $?

#echo $? it will give status of privious commands or scripts upon its completion if exit status is 0 : then the cmd or script is successful if exit status is 1 : then the cmd or script is unsuccessful

Use of array in scripting

#! /bin/bash NAME[0]="Vijay" NAME[1]="Kapil" NAME[2]="Vishal" NAME[3]="Suyog" NAME[4]="Vaibhav" echo "First index is : ${NAME[0]}" echo "Second indes is : ${NAME[1]}"

Output: First index is : Vijay Second indes is : Kapil

#! /bin/bash NAME[0]="Vijay" NAME[1]="Kapil" NAME[2]="Vishal" NAME[3]="Suyog" NAME[4]="Vaibhav" echo "First index is : ${NAME[*]}" echo "Second indes is : ${NAME[@]}"

Output: First index is : Vijay Kapil Vishal Suyog Vaibhav Second indes is : Vijay Kapil Vishal Suyog Vaibhav

**Mathematical operators in Shell scripting ** #/bin/bash val=expr 2 + 2 echo "Total is : $val"

Output: Total is : 4

#/bin/bash a=10 b=30 val=expr $a + $b echo "Total is : $val"

Output: Total is : 40

#/bin/bash a=10 b=30 if [ $a != $b ] then echo "a is not equal to b" fi

Output: a is not equal to b

#/bin/bash a=10 b=30 if [ $a -lt $b ] then echo "a is not less than b" fi

Output: a is not less than b


a=10 b=20

if [ $a -eq $b ] then echo "$a -eq $b : a is equal to b" else echo "$a -eq $b: a is not equal to b" fi

if [ $a -ne $b ] then echo "$a -ne $b: a is not equal to b" else echo "$a -ne $b : a is equal to b" fi

if [ $a -gt $b ] then echo "$a -gt $b: a is greater than b" else echo "$a -gt $b: a is not greater than b" fi

if [ $a -lt $b ] then echo "$a -lt $b: a is less than b" else echo "$a -lt $b: a is not less than b" fi

if [ $a -ge $b ] then echo "$a -ge $b: a is greater or equal to b" else echo "$a -ge $b: a is not greater or equal to b" fi

if [ $a -le $b ] then echo "$a -le $b: a is less or equal to b" else echo "$a -le $b: a is not less or equal to b" fi

Output: 10 -eq 20: a is not equal to b 10 -ne 20: a is not equal to b 10 -gt 20: a is not greater than b 10 -lt 20: a is less than b 10 -ge 20: a is not greater or equal to b 10 -le 20: a is less or equal to b

Boolen operators: #!/bin/sh

a=10 b=20

if [ $a != $b ] then echo "$a != $b : a is not equal to b" else echo "$a != $b: a is equal to b" fi

if [ $a -lt 100 -a $b -gt 15 ] then echo "$a -lt 100 -a $b -gt 15 : returns true" else echo "$a -lt 100 -a $b -gt 15 : returns false" fi

if [ $a -lt 100 -o $b -gt 100 ] then echo "$a -lt 100 -o $b -gt 100 : returns true" else echo "$a -lt 100 -o $b -gt 100 : returns false" fi

if [ $a -lt 5 -o $b -gt 100 ] then echo "$a -lt 100 -o $b -gt 100 : returns true" else echo "$a -lt 100 -o $b -gt 100 : returns false" fi

Output: 10 != 20 : a is not equal to b 10 -lt 100 -a 20 -gt 15 : returns true 10 -lt 100 -o 20 -gt 100 : returns true 10 -lt 5 -o 20 -gt 100 : returns false