A collections of extension functions to make the JVM Future, CompletableFuture, ListenableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like.
- ammachadoRed Hat
- barbietunniebaosystems
- BennyKokBennyKok
- buaasrf
- campers
- codes4coffeeBoxBoat
- dadrox
- danysantiagoPuerto Rico
- daveedgarciaNike
- debopHealingPaper
- dejames
- denzelby
- gergely-sallaiUstream
- gkaffka@NordVPN
- gregnightingaleCentral New Jersey
- gtodLachlan Commodities
- jdiazAustin, TX
- jmdesprezCloudBees
- kashifshaikhDapper Labs
- LenaWilTU/e
- lumuell@aws
- michael-barkerCincinnati, OH
- mkulakBerlin
- mvucenovic
- NexZhu
- NorthFury
- oexza
- oshai
- PangajZoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
- phxqlIngolstadt, Germany
- pinkieskyPrintify
- radeusgd@enso-org
- szgaljicFrisco, TX
- tanmatraRussia
- TheMousterPerth, WA, Australia
- tkaden4WompMobile