
"Okda Network Manager CLI" (onmcli) is a command-line interface designed for configuring the Sysrepo datastore. It operates by generating commands based on the YANG modules that have been installed in the Sysrepo system.

Table of Contents


require: sysrepo.

onmcli uses a customized fork of libcli.

# build
$ make
# run
$ ./onm_cli

The default compiler is gcc. It can be changed to clang using:

# build
$ CC=clang make
# run
$ ./onm_cli


[+] usage example of onmcli:

$ ./onmcli 
[INF] Connection 394 created.
[INF] Session 381 (user "ali", CID 394) created.

onmcli version: 0.2.0
by Okda networks (c) 2024
router> en
router# sysrepo load-modules 
  yang commands generated successfully for module=ietf-interfaces
  yang commands generated successfully for module=ietf-system
  yang commands generated successfully for module=ietf-access-control-list
  yang commands generated successfully for module=ietf-routing
router# configure terminal 
router(config)# interfaces 
router(config-interfaces)# interface eth0
router(config-interface[eth0])# enabled true
router(config-interface[eth0])# commit
[INF] There are no subscribers for changes of the module "ietf-interfaces" in running DS.
 changes applied successfully!
router(config-interface[eth0])# description "WAN INET"
router(config-interface[eth0])# commit 
[INF] There are no subscribers for changes of the module "ietf-interfaces" in running DS.
 changes applied successfully!
router(config-interface[eth0])# show config-running interfaces
  "ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
    "interface": [      
        "name": "eth0",
        "description": "WAN INET",
        "type": "iana-if-type:other",
        "enabled": true

[+] to modify installed modules in sysrepo:

router# sysrepo set-module-path /path/to/yang/standard/ietf/RFC
router# sysrepo install-module ietf-vrrp.yang
[INF] Module "ietf-vrrp" was installed.
[INF] File "ietf-vrrp@2018-03-13.yang" was installed.
router# sysrepo list-modules
[+] ietf-ipv4-unicast-routing
[+] ietf-routing
[+] ietf-vrrp