Secret Santa API

Compute a secret santa list (shortened as "draw" ~= tirage au sort) from a DB of users and exclusions between users.

Available features

  1. List draws & Get draw details (+ user pairs)
  2. List users & Get user details
  3. Compute a new draw from the DB state
  4. List latest draws with GET /santa/draws?latest=5

Repo structure

http contains HTTP request examples as http-request files. You can run them against a hostname with various IDE extensions (eg VS Code Rest Client).

Build & Run

This API is shipped with a Dockerfile.

You can build the Docker image & run it in a local container with:

make dev
# service is reachable on localhost:8080
# will stream logs

and also:

make logs # to show the full logs
make kill # stop the container

Or you can run the API directly with live reload (requires a virtual env):

make live

Then you can hit the following endpoints:


Or check the examples in http (to be run with VS Code Rest Client).


Check that your server is live by visiting http://localhost:8080/santa.

GET /santa

New draw

To compute a new draw:

POST /santa/draws/

Keep in mind that this may fail as the drawing algorithm is not foolproof, in which case you should retry it.

List draws

To return the metadata of all draws, do:

GET /santa/draws

Use the detail endpoint to get the list of pairs for a given draw.

Get full draw detail

GET /santa/draws/15


  "id": 15,
  "timestamp": "2023-12-18T16:24:47.625040Z",
  "pairs": [
      "giver": 1,
      "taker": 5
      "giver": 2,
      "taker": 3
      "giver": 3,
      "taker": 4
      "giver": 4,
      "taker": 2
      "giver": 5,
      "taker": 1

Get draw history

Adding latest=n as a query param to your GET /santa/draws request will return the n latest draws:

GET /santa/draws?latest=5

To see their user pairs, you will need to call GET /santa/draws/{id} for each of them.

Core logic tests

You need to use pytest to run the tests found in tests:

python -m pytest tests -vv


  • A User is a person with simply a name;
  • An Exclusion tells us who (target) should not appear as the person to give a secret santa gift to for another person (recipient);
  • A Draw is a secret santa list. It has a creation datetimestamp;
  • A DrawPair is a user pair inside a draw. It refers to its parent draw (draw) and the two users (giver and taker of the gift).

To generate a new secret santa list == a draw, we list all users and compute the user blacklist for each user (user id -> collection of user ids) from the list of exclusion rows. We then generate a list of random pairs where each user must be exactly once giver and taker, but not in the same pair, while following exclusions.

The result is a list of user id pairs belonging to one Draw, which we turn into DrawPair rows.

To deliver the full details of a draw, we scan the draw_pair table for rows pointing to this draw and return the list together with the draw's metadata.

    User <|-- Exclusion : recipient
    User <|-- Exclusion : target
    User <|-- DrawPair : giver
    User <|-- DrawPair : taker
    Draw <|-- DrawPair : draw
    class User {
        int id
        String name
    class Exclusion {
        int id
        User recipient
        User target
    class Draw {
        int id
        Date timestamp
    class DrawPair {
        int id
        Draw draw
        User giver
        User taker