This project implements a gamification layer on top of Uniswap V4 for decentralized exchange of fungible assets. It introduces a point system, levels, badges, challenges, and quests to enhance user engagement in liquidity provision and trading activities.
- Points: Earned for providing liquidity and making swaps.
- Levels: Users level up as they accumulate points.
- Badges: Special achievements unlocked at various milestones.
- Challenges: Time-bound tasks that reward users with extra points and badges.
- Quests: A series of challenges that offer substantial rewards upon completion.
- Integration with Uniswap V4 hooks.
- Use of OpenZeppelin's AccessControl for role-based permissions.
- Implementation of ERC20 token standard for point representation.
- Interaction with Chainlink price feeds for dynamic point calculation.
: Number of points required to level up.MAX_LEVEL
: The maximum achievable level.
Allows users to add liquidity to a Uniswap V4 pool and earn points.
: The address adding liquidity.amount0
: The amount of token0 being added.amount1
: The amount of token1 being added.
LiquidityAdded(address indexed user, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 pointsEarned)
: When the provided liquidity is too low.
Allows users to complete a challenge and earn rewards.
: The ID of the challenge being completed.
ChallengeCompleted(address indexed user, uint256 indexed challengeId, uint256 pointsEarned)
: When the challenge is not currently active.ChallengeAlreadyCompleted
: When the user has already completed this challenge.
- Deploy the PointPool contract:
2.Deploy the ChallengeManager contract:
forge create src/PointPool.sol:PointPool --constructor-args <UNISWAP_MANAGER> "PointPool" "PP" <ETH_USD_PRICE_FEED>
forge create src/ChallengeManager.sol:ChallengeManager --constructor-args <POINT_POOL_ADDRESS>
Add liquidity to earn points:
cast send <POINT_POOL_ADDRESS> "addLiquidity(uint256,uint256)" 1000000000000000000 1000000000000000000
Complete a challenge:
cast send <CHALLENGE_MANAGER_ADDRESS> "completeChallenge(uint256)" 1
Development and Testing To run the test suite
forge test
To run a specific test:
forge test --match-test testAddLiquidity
Contribution Contributions to PointPool are welcome. Please ensure that your code adheres to the Solidity style guide and all tests pass before submitting a pull request.