
JSON Dataset for Killteam 2021


JSON Dataset for Killteam 2021 Compendium, including additional teams from White Dwarf and boxed sets.

See also KTDash and its API

"compendium.json" will hold the latest version of the full compendium.json

This repo may contain snapshots of the compendium to be used as backups


The root of the JSON file is an array of "faction" objects.

  • [Root] - Array of Faction objects
    • factionid - string - ID for this faction
    • factionname - string - Name of this faction
    • description - string - HTML description of this faction (flavor text)
    • killteams - Array of Killteam objects
      • factionid - string - ID for this killteam's faction
      • killteamid - string - ID for this killteam
      • killteamname - string - Name of this killteam
      • description - string - HTML description of this killteam (flavor text)
      • killteamcomp - string - HTML description of this killteam's composition
      • equipments - Array of Equipment objects
        • factionid - string - ID for this equipment's faction
        • killteamid - string - ID for this equipment's killteam
        • eqid - string - ID for this equipment
        • eqpts - string - Cost in Points of this equipment
        • eqname - string - Name of this equipment
        • eqdescription - string - HTML description of this equipment
      • ploys
        • strat - Array of strategic ploy objects
          • factionid - string - ID for this ploy's faction
          • killteamid - string - ID for this ploy's killteam
          • ploytype - string - Type of ploy (S: Strategic, T: Tactical)
          • ployid - string - ID of this ploy
          • ployname - string - Name of this ploy
          • CP - string - Cost in Command Points to run this ploy
          • description - string - HTML description of this ploy
        • tac - Array of tactical ploy objects
          • factionid - string - ID for this ploy's faction
          • killteamid - string - ID for this ploy's killteam
          • ploytype - string - Type of ploy (S: Strategic, T: Tactical)
          • ployid - string - ID of this ploy
          • ployname - string - Name of this ploy
          • CP - string - Cost in Command Points to run this ploy
          • description - string - HTML description of this ploy
      • fireteams - Array of fireteam objects
        • factionid - string - ID for this fireteam's faction
        • killteamid - string - ID for this fireteam's killteam
        • fireteamid - string - ID for this fireteam
        • description - string - HTML description of this fireteam (flavor text)
        • fireteamname - string - Name of this fireteam
        • archetype - string - Archetypes for this fireteam (separated by forward slash "/")
        • fireteamcomp - string - HTML description of this fireteam's composition
        • operatives - Array of Operative objects
          • factionid - string - ID for this operative's faction
          • killteamid - string - ID for this operative's killteam
          • fireteamid - string - ID for this operative's fireteam
          • opid - string - ID for this operative
          • opname - string - Name of this operative
          • description - string - HTML description of this operative (flavor text)
          • M - string - Movement characteristic. Holds placeholders for distance measurements (see below)
          • APL - string - Action Point Limit characteristic
          • GA - string - Group Activation characteristic
          • DF - string - Defense characteristic (number of Defense dice to roll when shot)
          • SV - string - Save characteristic
          • W - string - Wounds characteristic
          • weapons - Array of Weapon objects
            • factionid - string - ID for this weapon's faction
            • killteamid - string - ID for this weapon's killteam
            • fireteamid - string - ID for this weapon's fireteam
            • opid - string - ID for this weapon's operative
            • wepid - string - ID for this weapon
            • wepname - string - Name of this weapon
            • weptype - string - Weapon type (R: Ranged, M: Melee/Close Combat)
            • Weaponprofiles - Array of WeaponProfile objects
              • factionid - string - ID for this weapon profile's faction
              • killteamid - string - ID for this weapon profile's killteam
              • fireteamid - string - ID for this weapon profile's fireteam
              • opid - string - ID for this weapon profile's operative
              • wepid - string - ID for this weapon profile's weapon
              • profileid - string - ID for this weapon profile
              • name - string - Name of this weapon profile (usually blank if the weapon only has one profile)
              • A - string - Attacks characteristic
              • BS - string - Ballistic/Weapon Skill characteristic
              • D - string - Damage characteristic
              • SR - string - Comma-separated list of Special and Critical rules for this weapon profile

Distance/Range Placeholders

  • [TRI] - Triange range (1 inch) - Recommend replacing with ▲ (▲) in HTML output
  • [CIRCLE] - Circle range (2 inches) - Recommend replacing with ⬤ (⬤) in HTML output
  • [SQUARE] - Square range (3 inches) - Recommend replacing with ■ (■) in HTML output
  • [PENT] - Pentagon range (6 inches) - Recommend replacing with ⬟ (⬟) in HTML output