
A reinvent the wheel project in Rust: static website generator for my blog

Primary LanguageRust


A reinvent the wheel project in Rust: static website generator for my blog.


Paths are configurable in configuration.yaml.


cargo run

Then serve the output/ directory using a web serve. For example, I'm using simple-http-server:

simple-http-server -i output

If you want to publish drafts too (can be handy when working locally) you have to pass the -p flag:

cargo run -- -p

Watch for changes

watchexec -e md cargo run

or to see drafts:

watchexec -e md cargo run -- -p


rsync -avz --delete output/ vjousse@emmett.jousse.org:/home/data/vincent.jousse.org

Nginx rewrite rules

rewrite ^/rss.xml$ /atom.xml permanent;

# Do not rewrite the exact URL /blog/fr/
if ($request_uri = /blog/fr/) {

# Do not rewrite URLs starting with /blog/fr/tech
if ($request_uri ~* ^/blog/fr/tech) {

# Do not rewrite URLs starting with /blog/fr/perso
if ($request_uri ~* ^/blog/fr/perso) {

# Rewrite URLs of type /blog/fr/something (with exactly one path component) to /blog/fr/perso/something
# Avoid rewriting URLs that already contain /perso/ immediately after /fr/
# Old blog urls
rewrite ^/blog/fr/(?!perso/)([^/]+)/?$ /blog/fr/perso/$1 permanent;

Goaccess configuration

goaccess /var/log/nginx/vincent.jousse.org.access.log -o /home/data/report.html --log-format=COMBINED --ignore-crawlers --ignore-referrer=*.jousse.org --real-os --restore --persist --real-time-html --daemonize