
Built an RNN model to generate your own TV scripts. The model is trained on dataset from Seinfeld TV scripts from 9 seasons. The neural network developed can be used to generate a new, "fake" TV script.

Primary LanguageHTML


In this project, you'll generate your own Seinfeld TV scripts using RNNs. You'll be using a Seinfeld dataset of scripts from 9 seasons. The Neural Network you'll build will generate a new, "fake" TV script.


Data Parameter

  • Sequence length = 10
  • Batch Size = 128

Training Parameter

  • Epochs = 30
  • Learning Rate = .001
  • Embedding Dimension = 200
  • Hidden Dimension in LSTM = 250
  • n_layers(Number of RNN layers) = 2
  • Optimizer = Adam

Project Information

  • Clone the directory by using this command.
      git clone https://github.com/vjrahil/Script-Generator
  • All the code is available inside dlnd_tv_script_generation.ipynb.

  • The preprocessed text is saved in preprocess.p.

  • RNN model is saved in trained_rnn.pt.

  • Generated fake TV-Script is saved in generated_script1.txt.