Azure IoT MQTT features



To get started with contributing, see docs/contributing

MQTT libraries

Comparison of MQTT libraries

Test scenarios

Client receives all C2D messages while disconnected with clean session set to false

  • Subscribe to devices/{device_id}/messages/devicebound/#
  • Send C2D and verify client receive
  • Shutdown client
  • Send another C2D
  • Start client with clean session set to false and subscribe again
  • Verify that client receives the message sent while being disconnected

Client can send D2C messages with QoS 0

  • Send D2C with QoS 0
  • Verify that "most of them"* are received via IoT Hub

* With QoS 0 there might be message loss but in normal good networking conditions, most messages are expected to be received

Client can set Will message

  • Client set Will message in the CONNECT packet and sets Will RETAIN
  • Client use devices/{device_id}/messages/events/$.ct=application%2Fjson&$.ce=utf-8 as the Will topic name
  • Forcefully shutdown client (ctrl+c)
  • Verify Will message received
  • Verify the message has the iothub-MessageType property with a value of Will assigned to it
  • Check whether mqtt-retain application property exists in the message (not documented what is expected)

Client can send retained messages

  • Client send D2C message with RETAIN flag set to 1
  • Verify received
  • Verify mqtt-retain application property in the message

Client can authenticate with certificates

  • Client uses a CA signed certificate
  • Client uses a self-signed certificate

Client messages can be routed (optional)


  • All test scenarios ran successfully
  • The x-opt-retain application property actually appears as mqtt-retain so a PR was created and merged into azure-docs repository to make a correction