
Translate images to emoticons 👏😌

Primary LanguagePython


Description: Translate images to emoticons 👏😌


  • OpenCV2
  • NumPy
  • Scipy
  • Sklearn
  • DepthAI (optional - only if you have a DepthAI camera)

Trying it yourself:

  1. Clone this GitHub project: git clone
  2. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download Twitter Emoji library here, extract the 72x72 folder under ./assets/, and rename folder to "twitter".
  4. Run script:
    • Calculating from scratch: python main.py (NOTE: Calculating cache will take ~1.5 hours )
    • Calculating from cache is just the same command. You can get the cache here

Performance: On my machine (AMD Ryzen 2700X), I was able to maintain 38-42 FPS. If using a lower-spec CPU (this is pretty CPU dependent), then try:

  • Decreasing video size
  • Increasing pixelization size

Main Usage

usage: main.py [-h] [--video VIDEO] [--output OUTPUT] [--depthai]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --video VIDEO    Video input. Enter either a number for a webcam device or
                   path to a video file. Example: python main.py --video
  --output OUTPUT  Video output path. Enter a string to the path where the
                   video output will be saved. Default is a .mp4 file.
                   Example: python main.py --output out.mp4
  --depthai        Optional flag only used for DepthAI devices. Flag is false
                   by default. After enabling program will import depthai

Future Work:

Optimize algorithm, rethink mapping algorithm, and program as some kind of filter for a social media platform. Hmmmm.... could multithreading help speed things up?