
"Guess The Friend" game with your Facebook friends

Primary LanguageRuby

Guess The Friend

This is a complete Rails app developed in 48 hours during the 2012 Rails Rumble, in the context of the 48Rails

It implements the classic Guess The Friend game, picking the choices from your recently contacted Facebook friends, getting their details and giving you hints 😄.

Everything is in the RailsRumble aftermath state - so don't expect clean code and full coverage - it is left here just for posterity 😃.

App setup

  • Clone the repo
  • mkdir log/
  • Configure config/database.yml using config/database.yml.example as a template
  • Run bundle
  • Run rake db:setup
  • Run rails server

Facebook setup

  • Create a new facebook app and assign it a domain. Say, example.com
  • Create config/config.yml using config/config.example.yml as a template
  • Add guesswho.example.com to your /etc/hosts (as root)
  • Go to http://guesswho.example.com:3000/

App deploy

  • Set up config/deploy.rb for your server - the current config assumes there's a guesswho user on it and a process manager keeping an unicorn up. An example upstart configuration is in config/upstart.conf.
  • cap deploy
  • If you want to deploy another branch, use cap -S branch=foobar deploy
