React Components for Recipe Apps

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A library of React components created for an online recipe app.

The system for displaying components is based on Cory House’s courseCreating Reusable React Components on Pluralsight.


npm install recipe-components


To import into your own app, after you install, just import the individual components as you would any Node module.

ES6 style import

import Table from 'recipe-components/Table';
import TableHeader from 'recipe-components/TableHeader';
import TableBody from 'recipe-components/TableBody';

Node style require

const Table = require('recipe-components/Table').default;
const TableHeader = require('recipe-components/TableHeader').default;
const TableBody = require('recipe-components/TableBody').default;

Importing styled vs. unstyled versions of a component

The components come with some basic styling set by a matching CSS file in each component folder. (E.g., the Card.js file has a matching Card.css file.)

You can override any of the styles you see fit. However, if you wish to import a component without any styles, just import add the filename for the component to the end of your import statement, like this.

import Table from 'recipe-components/Table/Table';

This is possible because each component is imported into an index.js file in its own directory, along with an import of its matching style file, and then re-exported. This makes the styled import look a little cleaner, and it allows you to import just the unstyled component if you wish.


See the online component documentation, for code examples and a list of props for each component.


This component library is based on create-react-app, and modeled on the example component library shown in Cory House's Pluralsight course, Creating Reusable React Components.

You can fork this repo, and expand it for your own needs, or just use it as a base for your own component library.

After you fork it, to get all the development dependencies, be sure to run

npm install

To run the test suite,

npm test