
The Decrypto API, implemented using FastAPI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Decrypto API


The following instructions are primarily aimed at Linux systems. You will have to make necessary changes to the commands to be able to run them on other operating systems.


  • You will need to have Python, poetry and PostgreSQL installed before proceeding further.

  • Clone the repository and switch to the project directory.

    $ git clone https://github.com/SanchithHegde/decrypto-api
    $ cd decrypto-api
  • Install dependencies.

    $ poetry install --no-dev --no-root
  • Activate the environment.

    $ poetry shell

Database Setup

Create a database user and the database by connecting to the psql shell.


It is recommended to use longer and more random database names, usernames and passwords for production. You can generate them using openssl rand -hex 32, replacing 32 with a larger number if longer strings are desired.



The application can be configured either using a .env file present at the root of the project directory, or using environment variables. If both the .env file is present and the corresponding environment variables are set, environment variables will always take priority over values loaded from a .env file.

A sample .env file has been provided as .env.sample. Copy it as .env and make the necessary changes in the .env file. If you need to override more fields in the app/core/config.py file, just add the corresponding field to the .env file and override the value.

Emails - GMail SMTP Settings

If you wish to use the GMail SMTP server for development and testing, a sample configuration for use with the GMail SMTP server is as follows:


Running the Application using Gunicorn

You can use the start.sh script to run the application using Gunicorn.

$ scripts/start.sh

Visit http://SERVER_IP_ADDRESS/docs to view the interactive API documentation.

Running Tests

  • Create the test database.

    CREATE DATABASE test_db_name;
  • Update the configuration with the test database name.

  • Install development dependencies.

    $ poetry install --no-root
  • Run tests.

    $ scripts/test.sh


Installing Dependencies

Install development dependencies.

$ poetry install --no-root

Running the Application using Uvicorn

You can use the start-reload.sh script to run the application using Uvicorn, which reloads the server whenever files in the app directory are modified.

$ scripts/start-reload.sh

Alembic Migrations

If any of the models have changed, you can generate migrations for those changes using Alembic.

$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add xyz attribute to User model"

Restart the server so that the migrations are applied.

Email Templates

Email templates are built using MJML. Templates can be created or modified online at https://mjml.io/try-it-live.

If you want the modify the existing ones you can copy the contents of the template in the src directory into the browser, make the modifications then click "view HTML" on the top right to see the generated HTML. Save the generated HTML in the build directory with suitable filename.

If you use VS Code, this extension simplifies the process.

Formatting and Linting

To ensure code quality and readability, we use the following tools for formatting code and catching common mistakes. We request you to use the same when making any contributions to this repository to help keep the code uniform.

If you use VS Code and have the Python extension installed, all of the above tools (except docformatter) work right within the editor. VS Code will format files, sort imports and show lints when source files are saved.

For running docformatter, run the following command.

$ docformatter --in-place --recursive --wrap-summaries 88 --wrap-descriptions 88 --pre-summary-newline --make-summary-multi-line app

Pre-Commit Hooks

We also use pre-commit to ensure that each commit passes all the formatting and linting checks. Refer to the pre-commit docs for installation and usage information.
