
Deploying Multi-OS applications with Docker EE

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Logo Azure Logo

Deploying Multi-OS applications with Docker EE on Microsoft Azure

Docker EE 2.0 is the first Containers-as-a-Service platform to offer production-level support for the integrated management and security of both Linux and Windows Server Containers. It is also the first platform to support both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes orchestration.

In this lab we'll use a Docker EE cluster comprised of Windows and Linux nodes. We'll deploy both a Java web app on Linux and a multi-service application that includes both Windows and Linux components using Docker Swarm. Then we'll take a look at securing and scaling the application. Finally, we will then deploy the app using Kubernetes.

This lab is built entirely on the capabilities and features of Microsoft Azure. Azure provides the infrastructure components necessary to build and maintain a production-grade Docker Enterprise Edition cluster. We will be using multiple Azure Services throughout this lab. Docker EE is also available on Azure Stack for on-premises and hybrid container scenarios.

Difficulty: Intermediate (assumes basic familiarity with Docker and Azure) If you're looking for a basic introduction to Docker, check out https://training.play-with-docker.com

Time: Approximately 75 minutes



Document conventions

  • When you encounter a phrase in between < and > you are meant to substitute in a different value.

    For instance if you see <dtr hostname> you would actually type something like dtr-gf-docker-lab52.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com

  • When you see the Windows flag, you will complete all the subsequent instructions in a Windows Remote Desktop session

  • When you see Tux, the Linux penguin, you will complete the following instructions in a Linux SSH session


Docker EE provides an integrated, tested and certified platform for apps running on enterprise Linux or Windows operating systems and cloud providers. Docker EE is tightly integrated to the the underlying infrastructure to provide a native, easy to install experience and an optimized Docker environment. Docker Certified Infrastructure, Containers and Plugins are exclusively available for Docker EE with cooperative support from Docker and the Certified Technology Partner.

Overview of Orchestration

While it is easy to run an application in isolation on a single machine, orchestration allows you to coordinate multiple machines to manage an application, with features like replication, encryption, load-balancing, service discovery and more. If you have read about Docker, you have likely heard of Kubernetes and Docker swarm mode. Docker EE allows you to use either Docker swarm mode or Kubernetes for orchestration.

Both Docker swarm mode and Kubernetes are declarative: you declare your cluster's desired state, and applications you want to run and where, networks, and resources they can use. Docker EE simplifies this by taking common concepts and moving them to the a shared resource.

Overview of Docker Swarm mode

A Swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster. After that has happened, you continue to run the Docker commands you are used to, but now they are executed on a cluster by a Swarm manager. The machines in a Swarm can be physical or virtual. After joining a Swarm, they are referred to as nodes.

Swarm mode uses managers and workers to run your applications. Managers run the Swarm cluster, making sure nodes can communicate with each other, allocate applications to different nodes, and handle a variety of other tasks in the cluster. Workers are there to provide extra capacity to your applications. In this workshop, you have three managers and six workers.

Overview of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is available in Docker EE 2.0 and included in this workshop. Kubernetes deployments tend to be more complex than Docker Swarm, and there are many component types. Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP) simplifies much of that complexity, relying on Docker Swarm to handle shared resources. We will concentrate on Pods and Load Balancers in this workshop, but there are numerous more components supported by UCP 2.0.

Task 0: Setup the Lab Environment

Before we can dive into deploying containers, we need to provision a Docker EE environment. This involves signing up for a Docker EE Trial License and provisioning the required Azure Infrastructure.

Task 0.1: Sign up for a free 30-day Docker EE Trial License

Let's first register for a Docker ID account, which we will use to generate a trial license.

  1. Navigate in your web browser to the Docker Store.

  2. In the to pright corner, click Log In. On the Log In screen, select Create Account and complete the new account process.

  3. Verify your email address by clicking the verification link in the email sent by Docker Store.

  4. Login into the Docker Store, navigate to Docker Enterprise Edition Trial, and select Start 1 Month Trial.

  5. Complete the form and click Start your evaluation. You will be taken to the Setup Instructions screen.

    Note that URL at the bottom of the Resources column; it is labeled "Copy and pase this URL to download your Edition" and is structured as https://storebits.docker.com/ee/trial/sub-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. This URL is your specific Docker EE Trial License Key and will be used when we provision Azure resources.

    Also under the Resources section, click License Key to download a docker_subscription.lic file. This file is uploaded to a running Docker EE cluster to configure licensing requirements.

Task 0.2: Deploy Docker EE cluster to Azure

An Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template is provided for this lab. The template provisions all necessary cloud infrastructure to a new Azure Resource Group.

  1. Right-click the following blue Deploy to Azure button and open the hyperlink in a new browser tab or window:

  2. The Azure Portal will open in the new tab. Sign in, and on the Custom Deployment configure the template deployment:

    • Select the subscription that you would like to use for this lab from the dropdown box

    • Create a new Resource Group, named in a way that is globally unique (we use this name as part of URLs). Your initials or a few random numbers should be sufficient. ex. gf-docker-lab, docker-ee-421, or lab413. If you and a colleague(s) are completing this lab at the same time, ensure that you are not using duplicative names.

    • In the DockerEEURL box, paste in the URL that you copied down from the Docker Store in the previous activity. This is the URL that looks like https://storebits.docker.com/ee/trial/sub-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 and is used to automatically setup the cluster with your 30-Day Trial License.

  3. With the form completed, check the box for I agree to the terms and conditions stated above and click the Purchase button to begin the provisioning process.

The provisioning process often takes 20+ minutes to fully create and setup the entire Docker EE Cluster. In the interim, please feel free to take a short break, or begin watching the YouTube Video entitled Getting Started with Docker for Windows and .NET Apps.

  1. When the template deployment is completed, navigate to your Azure Resource Group and on the left-hand side select Deployments.

  2. Select the single deployment named Microsoft.Template, and on the following blade select Outputs. Make note of the UCP_URL and DTR_URL, as we will use these hyperlinks in future steps.

    NOTE: Keep this Azure Portal bale open in a separate browser tab for easy reference

The ARM Template deploys a variety of Azure resources, depicted by the follow architecture:

Task 0.3: Connect to Azure Virtual Machines

One of the key benefits of Docker EE is the ability to manage both Linux-based and Windows-based applications side-by-side on a single cluster. In the lab will be accessing using both types of Azure Virtual Machines, so let us test connectivity.

  1. In the Azure Resource Group blade where the resources were provisioned, select the Virtual Machine named worker-win-02. From the VM's blade, click Connect to download a Windows Remote Desktop Connection File (.rdp).

    Note When navigating within an Azure Portal Resource Group blade that container numerous resources, toggle the No grouping dropdown on the top-right control bar to Group by type. It will be infinitely easier to locate particular resources.

    On your local machine, open the .rdp file and login using username \eeadmin and password DockerEE123!. Open a PowerShell window inside of the RDP connection and run docker version to ensure that the Docker Engine was properly installed.

    PowerShell should return the installed versions of the Docker Client and local Docker Engine and look similar to:

    PS C:\Users\eeadmin> docker version
      Version:       17.06.2-ee-8
      API version:   1.30
      Go version:    go1.8.7
      Git commit:    4e8ed51
      Built: Fri Mar 30 01:37:46 2018
      OS/Arch:       windows/amd64
        Version:      17.06.2-ee-8
        API version:  1.30 (minimum version 1.24)
        Go version:   go1.8.7
        Git commit:   4e8ed51
        Built:        Fri Mar 30 01:47:12 2018
        OS/Arch:      windows/amd64
        Experimental: false
    PS C:\Users\eeadmin>

    Note Remote Desktop is also available for Mac Users via the Apple Store

  2. Back in the Azure Resource Group blade, select the virtual machine named worker-linux-02. From the VM's blade, click Connect to see the command for starting an SSH connection to the node. Example ssh eeadmin@

    On your local machine, SSH into the VM. If you are running Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update or later you have SSH built into PowerShell and can run the ssh command directly in PowerShell. Otherwise, putty or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can be used.

    Once you establish an SSH connection to the remote VM, run sudo docker version to ensure that the Docker Engine was properly installed. The terminal output should look nearly identical to the PowerShell in the previous step.

    Note if you get an error Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.30/version: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied please ensure you ran the command with sudo prepended

You have now accessed each type of VM used in today's lab.

Task 1: Configure the Docker EE Cluster

The Azure environment is almost completely set up, but before we can begin the labs, we need to do two more steps. First we will add an additional Windows node to the cluster. We have left the node unjoined so you can see how easy it is to do. Then, will create two repositories in Docker Trusted Registry. (The Linux worker nodes are already added to the cluster)

Task 1.1: Accessing UCP

The "Universal Control Plane" is a web-based interface for administering our container workloads across an entire cluster of virtual machine nodes. Next, we will use UCP to finalize our cluster configuration.

  1. Navigate in your web browser to the UCP URL that you previously located in the Azure Portal. ex. https://ucp-gf-docker-lab52.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com

    Note: Because this is a lab-based install of Docker EE we are using the default self-signed certificates. Because of this your browser may display a security warning. It is safe to click through this warning.

    In a production environment you would use certificates from a trusted certificate authority and would not see this screen.

  2. When prompted enter the username eeadmin and password DockerEE123!. The UCP web interface should load up in your web browser.

Task 1.2: Join a Windows worker node

Let's start by adding our 2nd Windows Server 2016 worker node to the cluster.

  1. You will be asked for a license key. Click Upload License and select the docker_subscription.lic file that was downloaded from the Docker Store after signing up for the Trial License.

  2. From the main dashboard in UCP, click Add a Node on the bottom left of the screen

  3. Select node type "Windows" and check the box labeled I have followed the instructions and I'm ready to join my windows node.

    Copy the docker swarm join... text from the dark box shown on the Add Node screen. This command is used to join a node to a Docker EE cluster, and contains a secure token that is regularly rotated.

    Note: There is an icon in the upper right corner of the box that you can click to copy the text to your clipboard

    Note: You may notice that there is a UI component to select Linux or Windowson the Add Node screen. In a production environment where you are starting from scratch there are a few prerequisite steps to adding a Windows node. However, we've already done these steps in the ARM Template setup script.

  1. We need to run the docker swarm join command inside of a Window Server node to add it to the cluster. Open the Remote Desktop Connection to your worker-win-02 Windows Server VM from earlier.

  2. Paste the docker swarm join text from UCP into a command prompt or PowerShell window in the remote desktop connection.

    You should see the message This node joined a swarm as a worker. indicating you've successfully joined the node to the cluster.

  3. Switch back to the UCP server in your web browser and click the x in the upper right corner to close the Add Node window

  4. You should be taken to the Nodes screen and will see 3 nodes listed at the bottom of your screen.

    Initially the new worker node will be shown with status down. After a minute or two, refresh your web browser to ensure that your Windows worker node has come up as healthy

Congratulations on adding a Windows node to your UCP cluster. Next, we will create several repositories in Docker Trusted Registry.

Task 1.3: Create Three DTR Repositories

Docker Trusted Registry is a special server designed to store and manage your Docker images. In this lab we're going to create three different Docker images, and push them to DTR. But before we can do that, we need to setup repositories in which those images will reside. Often that would be enough.

However, before we create the repositories, we do want to restrict access to them. Since we have two distinct app components, a Java web app (with a database), and a .NET API, we want to restrict access to them to the team that develops them, as well as the administrators. To do that, we need to create two users and then two organizations.

  1. Open DTR from the URL located in the Ouputs section of the Azure Portal's Template Deployment blade that we located earlier, ex. https://dtr-gf-docker-lab.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com

    Note: As with UCP before, DTR is also using self-signed certs. It's safe to click through any browser warning you might encounter.

  2. From the main DTR page, click Users on the left-hand nav, and then the click the green New user button in the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Create a new user, java_user and give it a password you'll remember. I used user1234. Be sure to save the user.

    Then do the same for a dotnet_user.

  4. Select Organizations from the left-hand navigation menu

  5. Create a new organization by clicking the New organization button. Name it java, and click Save*.

    Then do the same with dotnet and you will have two organizations.

  6. Now you get to add a repository! Click on the java organization, select Repositories and then New repository

  7. Name the repository java_web.

    Note the repository is listed as "Public" but that means it is publicly viewable by users of DTR. It is not available to the general public.

  8. Now it's time to create a team so you can restrict access to who administers the images. Select the Members tab of the java organization and the members will show up. Press Add user and start typing in java. Select the java_user when it comes up.

  9. Next select the java organization and press the Team button to create a web team.

  10. Add the java_user user to the web team and click save.

  11. Next select the web team and select the Repositories tab. Select Add Existing repository and choose the java_web repository. You'll see the java account is already selected. Then select Read/Write permissions so the web team has permissions to push images to this repository. Finally click Save.

  12. Now add a new repository also owned by the web team and call it database. This can be done directly from the web team's Repositories tab by selecting the radio button for Add New Repository. Be sure to grant Read/Write permissions for this repository to the web team as well.

  13. Repeat 4-11 above to create a dotnet organization with a repository called dotnet_api, the dotnet_user, and a team named api (with dotnet_user as a member). Grant read/write permissions for the dotnet_api repository to the api team.

  14. From the main DTR page, click Repositories, you will now see all three repositories listed.

  15. (optional) If you want to check out security scanning in Task 5, you should turn on scanning now so DTR downloads the database of security vulnerabilities. In the left-hand panel, select System and then the Security tab. Select ENABLE SCANNING and Online.

Congratulations, you have created three new repositories in two new organizations, each with one team and a user each.

Task 2: Deploy a Java Web App with Universal Control Plane

Now that we've completely configured our cluster, let's deploy a couple of web apps. These are simple web pages that allow you to send a tweet. One is built on Linux using NGINX and the other is build on Windows Server 2016 using IIS.

Let's start with the Linux version.

Task 2.1: Clone the Demo Repo

  1. In a terminal window, re-establish the earlier SSH connection to the worker-linux-02 Azure VM that we tested earlier.

  2. Before continuing, let us configure an environment variable for the DTR URL/DTR hostname. Navigate to the Azure Portal's template deployment output blade. Select and copy the the URL for the DTR hostname.

  3. Set an environment variable DTR_HOST using the DTR host name defined on your ARM Template outputs page:

    Note: use a FQDN without a http prefix, ex. dtr-sf-lab8.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com

    $ export DTR_HOST=<dtr hostname>
    $ echo $DTR_HOST
  4. Now use git to clone the workshop repository.

    $ git clone https://github.com/dockersamples/hybrid-app.git

    You should see something like this as the output:

    Cloning into 'hybrid-app'...
    remote: Counting objects: 389, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
    remote: Total 389 (delta 4), reused 16 (delta 1), pack-reused 363
    Receiving objects: 100% (389/389), 13.74 MiB | 3.16 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (124/124), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.

    You now have the necessary demo code on your worker host.

Task 2.2: Build and Push the Linux Web App Images

  1. Change into the java-app directory.

    $ cd ./hybrid-app/java-app/
  2. Use docker build to build your Docker image.

    $ docker build -t $DTR_HOST/java/java_web .

    Note: if you see a permissions error, run sudo su to elevate your terminal account before running commands

    The -t tags the image with a name. In our case, the name indicates which DTR server and under which organization's respository the image will live.

    Note: Feel free to examine the Dockerfile in this directory if you'd like to see how the image is being built. Run cat Dockerfile or open the file in GitHub via a web browser.

    There will be quite a bit of output. The Dockerfile describes a two-stage build. In the first stage, a Maven base image is used to build the Java app. But to run the app you don't need Maven or any of the JDK stuff that comes with it. The second stage takes the output of the first stage and puts it into a much smaller Tomcat image.

  3. Log into your DTR server from the command line.

    First use the dotnet_user, which isn't part of the java organization

    $ docker login $DTR_HOST
    Username: <your dotnet_user username>
    Password: <your dotnet_user password>
    Login Succeeded

    Use docker push to upload your image up to Docker Trusted Registry.

    $ docker push $DTR_HOST/java/java_web

    As you can see, the access control that you established in the Task 1.3 prevented you from pushing to this repository. The user dotnet_user does not have permissions to use the <your DTR>/java/java_web repository.

  4. Now try logging in using java_user, and then use docker push to upload your image up to Docker Trusted Registry.

    $ docker login $DTR_HOST
    Username: <your java_user username>
    Password: <your java_user password>
    $ docker push $DTR_HOST/java/java_web

    The output should be similar to the following:

    The push refers to a repository [<dtr hostname>/java/java_web]
    feecabd76a78: Pushed
    3c749ee6d1f5: Pushed
    af5bd3938f60: Pushed
    29f11c413898: Pushed
    eb78099fbf7f: Pushed
    latest: digest: sha256:9a376fd268d24007dd35bedc709b688f373f4e07af8b44dba5f1f009a7d70067 size: 1363

    Success! Because you are using a user name that belongs to the right team in the right organization, you can push your image to DTR.

  5. In your web browser head back to your DTR server and click View Details next to your java_web repo to see the details of the repo.

    Note: If you've closed the tab with your DTR server, copy and paste the DTR URL from the Azure Portal output blade into a new web browser tab

  6. Click on Images from the horizontal menu. Notice that your newly pushed image is now on your DTR.

  7. Next, build the MySQL database image. In the SSH session, change into the database directory.

    $ cd ../database
  8. Use docker build to build your Docker image.

    $ docker build -t $DTR_HOST/java/database .
  9. Use docker push to upload your image up to Docker Trusted Registry.

    $ docker push $DTR_HOST/java/database
  10. In your web browser head back to your DTR server and click View Details next to your database repo to see the details of the repo.

  11. Click on Images from the horizontal menu. Notice that your newly pushed image is now on your DTR.

Task 2.3: Deploy the Web App using UCP

The next step is to run the app in Swarm. As a reminder, the application has two components, the web front-end and the database. In order to connect to the database, the application needs a password. If you were just running this in development you could easily pass the password around as a text file or an environment variable. But in production you would never do that. So instead, we're going to create an encrypted secret. That way access can be strictly controlled.

  1. Open UCP by copying and pasting the UCP URL hyperlink from the Azure Portal outputs blade. You should see the Universal Control Panel dashboard.

  2. There's a lot here about managing the cluster. You can take a moment to explore around. When you're ready, click on Swarm and select Secrets.

  3. You'll see a Create Secret screen. Type mysql_password in Name and Dockercon!!! in Content. Then click Create in the lower left. Obviously you wouldn't use this password in a real production environment. You'll see the content box allows for quite a bit of content, you can actually create structured content here that will be encrypted with the secret.

  4. Next we're going to create two networks. First click on Networks under Swarm in the left panel, and select Create Network in the upper right. You'll see a Create Network screen. Name your first network back-tier. Leave everything else the default.

  5. Repeat step 4 but with a new network front-tier.

  6. Now we're going to use the fast way to create your application: Stacks. In the left panel, click Shared Resources, Stacks and then Create Stack in the upper right corner.

  7. Name your stack java_web and select Swarm Services for your Mode. Below you'll see we've included a .yml file. Before you paste that in to the Compose.yml edit box, note that you'll need to make a quick change. Each of the images is defined as <dtr hostname>/java/<something>. You'll need to change the <dtr hostname> to the DTR Hostname found on the Azure Portal outputs blade for your environment. It will look something like this: dtr-gf-docker-lab52.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/java/database You can do that right in the edit box in UCP but wanted to make sure you saw that first.

    Here's the Compose file. Once you've copy and pasted it in, and made the changes, click Create in the lower right corner.

    version: "3.3"
        image: <dtr hostname>/java/database
        # set default mysql root password, change as needed
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: mysql_password
        # Expose port 3306 to host. 
          - "3306:3306" 
          - back-tier
        image: <dtr hostname>/java/java_web
          - "8080:8080" 
          - front-tier
          - back-tier
        external: true 
        external: true

    After the Stack finishes creating, click the Done button in the lower right.

  8. Click on Stacks again, and select the java_web stack. Click on Inspect Resources and then select Services. Select java_web_webserver. In the right panel, you'll see Published Endpoints. Select the one with :8080 at the end. You'll see a Apache Tomcat/7.0.84 landing page. Add /java-web to the end of the URL and you'll see the app.

  9. Delete the java_web stack.

Task 3: Deploy the next version with a Windows node

Now that we've moved the app and updated it, we're going to add in a user sign-in API. For fun, and to show off the cross-platform capabilities of Docker EE, we are going to do it in a Windows container with a .NET Framework application.

Task 3.1: Clone the repository

  1. Because this is a Windows container, we have to build it on a Windows host. Open the Remote Desktop Connection to worker-win-02 from earlier.

  2. Open PowerShell, change directory to C:\ and clone the repository again onto this host:

    PS C:\User\eeadmin> cd c:\
    PS C:\> git clone https://github.com/dockersamples/hybrid-app.git
  3. Set an environment variable for the DTR host name. Much like you did for the Java app, this will make a few step easier. Copy the DTR host name again and create the environment variable. For instance, if your DTR host was dtr-gf-docker-lab52.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com you would type:

    PS C:\> $env:DTR_HOST="dtr-gf-docker-lab52.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com"

Task 3.2: Build and Push Windows Images to Docker Trusted Registry

  1. CD into the c:\hybrid-app\netfx-api directory.

    Note you'll see a dotnet-api directory as well. Do not use that directory. That's a .NET Core api that runs on Linux. We'll use that later in the Kubernetes section.

    PS C:\> cd c:\hybrid-app\netfx-api\
  2. Use docker build to build your Windows image.

    PS C:\hybrid-app\netfx-api> docker build -t $env:DTR_HOST/dotnet/dotnet_api .

    Note: Feel free to examine the Dockerfile in this directory if you'd like to see how the image is being built.

    Your output should be similar to what is shown below

    PS C:\hybrid-app\netfx-api> docker build -t $env:DTR_HOST/dotnet/dotnet_api .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  415.7kB
    Step 1/8 : FROM microsoft/iis:windowsservercore-10.0.14393.1715
     ---> 590c0c2590e4
    <output snipped>
    Removing intermediate container ab4dfee81c7e
    Successfully built d74eead7f408
    Successfully tagged <dtr hostname>/dotnet/dotnet_api:latest

    Note: It will take a few minutes for your image to build.

  3. Log into Docker Trusted Registry

    PS C:\hybrid-app\netfx-api> docker login $env:DTR_HOST
    Username: dotnet_user
    Password: user1234
    Login Succeeded
  4. Push your new image up to Docker Trusted Registry.

    PS C:\hybrid-app\netfx-api> docker push $env:DTR_HOST/dotnet/dotnet_api
    The push refers to a repository [<dtr hostname>/dotnet/dotnet_api]
    5d08bc106d91: Pushed
    74b0331584ac: Pushed
    e95704c2f7ac: Pushed
    669bd07a2ae7: Pushed
    d9e5b60d8a47: Pushed
    8981bfcdaa9c: Pushed
    25bdce4d7407: Pushed
    df83d4285da0: Pushed
    853ea7cd76fb: Pushed
    55cc5c7b4783: Skipped foreign layer
    f358be10862c: Skipped foreign layer
    latest: digest: sha256:e28b556b138e3d407d75122611710d5f53f3df2d2ad4a134dcf7782eb381fa3f size: 2825
  5. You may check your repositories in the DTR web interface to see the newly pushed image.

Task 3.3: Deploy the Java web app

  1. First we need to update the Java web app so it'll take advantage of the .NET API. Switch back to worker-linux-02 and change directories to the java-app-v2 directory. Repeat steps 1,2, and 4 from Task 2.2 but add a tag :2 to your build and pushes:

    $ cd ../java-app-v2
    $ docker build -t $DTR_HOST/java/java_web:2 .
    $ docker push $DTR_HOST/java/java_web:2

    This will push a different version of the app, version 2, to the same java_web repository.

  2. Next repeat the steps 6-8 from Task 2.3, but use this Compose file instead:

    version: "3.3"
        image: <dtr hostname>/java/database
        # set default mysql root password, change as needed
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: mysql_password
        # Expose port 3306 to host. 
          - "3306:3306" 
          - back-tier
        image: <dtr hostname>/java/java_web:2
          - "8080:8080" 
          - front-tier
          - back-tier
          BASEURI: http://dotnet-api/api/users
        image: <dtr hostname>/dotnet/dotnet_api
          - "57989:80"
          - front-tier
          - back-tier
        external: true
        external: true
  3. Once tested, delete the stack.

Task 4: Deploy to Kubernetes

Now that we have built, deployed and scaled a multi OS application to Docker EE using Swarm mode for orchestration, let's learn how to use Docker EE with Kubernetes.

Docker EE lets you choose the orchestrator to use to deploy and manage your application, between Swarm and Kubernetes. In the previous tasks we have used Swarm for orchestration. In this section we will deploy the application to Kubernetes and see how Docker EE exposes Kubernetes concepts.

Task 4.1: Build .NET Core app instead of .NET

For now Kubernetes does not support Windows workloads in production, so we will start by porting the .NET part of our application to a Linux container using .NET Core.

  1. In your SSH connection to worker-linux-02, CD into the hybrid-app/dotnet-api directory.

    $ cd ~/hybrid-app/dotnet-api/
  2. Use docker build to build your Linux image.

    $ docker build -t $DTR_HOST/dotnet/dotnet_api:core .

    Note: Feel free to examine the Dockerfile in this directory if you'd like to see how the image is being built. Also, we used the :core tag so that the repository has two versions, the original with a Windows base image, and this one with a Linux .NET Core base image.

    Your output should be similar to what is shown below

    Sending build context to Docker daemon   29.7kB
    Step 1/10 : FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0.3-2.1.2 AS builder
    2.0.3-2.1.2: Pulling from microsoft/aspnetcore-build
    723254a2c089: Pull complete
    	<output snipped>
    Removing intermediate container 508751aacb5c
    Step 7/10 : FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0.3-stretch
    2.0.3-stretch: Pulling from microsoft/aspnetcore
    Successfully built fcbc49ef89bf
    Successfully tagged ip172-18-0-8-baju0rgm5emg0096odmg.direct.ee-beta2.play-with-docker.com/dotnet/dotnet_api:latest

    Note: It will take a few minutes for your image to build.

  3. Log into Docker Trusted Registry

    $ docker login $DTR_HOST
    Username: dotnet_user
    Password: user1234
    Login Succeeded
  4. Push your new image up to Docker Trusted Registry.

    $ docker push $DTR_HOST/dotnet/dotnet_api:core
    The push refers to a repository [<dtr hostname>/dotnet/dotnet_api]
    5d08bc106d91: Pushed
    74b0331584ac: Pushed
    e95704c2f7ac: Pushed
    669bd07a2ae7: Pushed
    d9e5b60d8a47: Pushed
    8981bfcdaa9c: Pushed
    25bdce4d7407: Pushed
    df83d4285da0: Pushed
    853ea7cd76fb: Pushed
    55cc5c7b4783: Skipped foreign layer
    f358be10862c: Skipped foreign layer
    latest: digest: sha256:e28b556b138e3d407d75122611710d5f53f3df2d2ad4a134dcf7782eb381fa3f size: 2825
  5. You may check your repositories in the DTR web interface to see the newly pushed image.

Task 4.2: Examine the Docker Compose File

Docker EE lets you deploy native Kubernetes applications using Kubernetes deployment descriptors, by pasting the yaml files in the UI, or using the kubectl CLI tool.

However many developers use docker-compose to build and test their application, and having to create Kubernetes deployment descriptors as well as maintaining them in sync with the Docker Compose file is tedious and error prone.

In order to make life easier for developers and operations, Docker EE lets you deploy an application defined with a Docker Compose file as a Kubernetes workloads. Internally Docker EE uses the official Kubernetes extension mechanism by defining a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) defining a stack object. When you post a Docker Compose stack definition to Kubernetes in Docker EE, the CRD controller takes the stack definition and translates it to Kubernetes native resources like pods, controllers and services.

We'll use a Docker Compose file to instantiate our application, and it's the same file as before, except that we will switch the .NET Docker Windows image with the .NET Core Docker Linux image we just built.

Let's look at the Docker Compose file in app/docker-stack.yml.

Change the images for the dotnet-api and java-app services for the ones we just built. And remember to change <dtr hostname> to the long DTR hostname listed on the Azure Portal template deployment output blade for your environment.

version: '3.3'

        - node.platform.os == linux
    image: <dtr hostname>/java/database
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: mysql_password
    - published: 3306
      target: 3306

        - node.platform.os == linux
    image: <dtr hostname>/dotnet/dotnet_api:core
    - published: 57989
      target: 80

        - node.platform.os == linux
    image: <dtr hostname>/java/java_web:2
      BASEURI: http://dotnet-api/api/users
    - published: 8080
      target: 8080

    external: true

    external: true

Task 4.3: Deploy to Kubernetes using the Docker Compose file

Login to UCP, go to Shared resources, Stacks.

Click create Stack. Fill name: hybrid-app, mode: Kubernetes Workloads, namespace: default.

You should see the stack being created.

Click on it to see the details.

Task 4.4: Verify the app

Go to Kubernetes / Pod. See the pods being deployed.

Go to Kubernetes / Controllers. See the deployments and ReplicaSets.

Go to Kubernetes / Load Balancers. See the Kubernetes services that have been created.

Click on java-web-published to the the details of the public load balancer created for the Java application.

There will be a link for the public url where the service on port 8080 is exposed. Click on that link, add /java-web/ at the end of the url. You should be led to the running application.

If the port in the URL is not 8080, for example 33871, then the Azure Load Balancer named apps needs to be re-configured. Create a probe and load balancer rule for the given port to allow traffic into the cluster on the designated port.

Task 5: Security Scanning

Security is crucial for all organizations. And it is a complicated topic, too indepth to go through in detail here. We're going to look at just one of the features that Docker EE has to help you build a secure software supply chain: Security Scanning.

  1. If you turned on security in Task 1.3 step 14 you can skip this step. Otherwise, turn on scanning now so DTR downloads the database of security vulnerabilities. In the left-hand panel, select System and then the Security tab. Select ENABLE SCANNING and Online.

    This will take awhile so you may want to take a break by reading up on Docker Security.

  2. Once the scanning database has downloaded, you can scan individual images. Select a repository, such as java/java_web, and then select the Images tab. If it hasn't already scanned, select Start scan. If it hasn't scanned already, this can take 5-10 minutes or so.

    You see that in fact there are alot of vulnerabilities! That's because we deliberately chose an old version of the tomcat base image. Also, most operating systems and many libraries contain some vulnerabilities. The details of these vulnerabilites and when they come into play are important. You can select View details to get more information. You can see which layers of your image introduced vulnerabilities.

    And by selecting Components you can see what the vulnerabilities are and what components introduced the vulnerabilies. You can also select the vulnerabilies and examine them in the Common Vulnerabilies and Exploits database.

  3. One way you can reduce your vulnerabilities is to choose newer images. For instance, you can go back to the Dockerfile in the ~/hybrid-app/java-app directory, and change the second base image to tomcat:9.0.6-jre-9-slim. Slim images in official images are generally based on lighter-weight operating systems like Alpine Linux or Debian, which have reduced attack space. You can change the Dockerfile using vim or emacs.

    Then check the scanning again (this may again take 5-10 minutes).

    You'll still see vulnerabilites, but far fewer.

  4. If you look at the components of the tomcat:9.0.6-jre-9-slim image, you will see that the critical and major vulnerabilities were brought in the Spring libraries. So maybe it's time to upgrade our app!

    Upgrading the app is out of scope for this workshop, but you can see how it would give you the information you need to mitigate vulnerabilities.

  5. DTR also allows you to Sign Images and Create promotion policies which prevent users from using images in production that don't meet whatever criteria you set, including blocking images with critical and/or major vulnerabilities.

Common Issues

  • Confirm that you are setting the environmental variable DTR_HOST to the DTR hostname.

  • When deploying the ARM Template, set the Azure Resource Group name with random characters to ensure it is globally unique. This RG name is used to build DNS entries, and if it conflicts with an existing resource in Azure with the same name there will be errors..

    Good: docker-ee-gf, ee-lab142, docker0412.

    Bad: docker, docker-ee, docker-lab.

  • The Azure Load Balancer requires a given port to be explicitly opened via a routing rule and probe. Ports 80, 443 and 8080 are pre-opened for the lab, but if you publish a container with a port outside of this it will not be resolveable until also updating the Load Balancer. Example: publishing a service to port 30001 would require an additional LB routing rule and probe.

  • The hostname routing feature of Docker EE's Interlock 2.0 system typically allow you to use a DNS name rather than a port number to load applications. However, this requires additonal setup not done for the lab - setting up a DNS Wildcard entry pointing at the apps load balancer.

  • This lab provisions a highly-available cluster of 10 virtual machine nodes. Azure Subscriptions container a quota of number of VM cores; if you hit an error during template deployment related to cores quota please remove VMs from other resource groups. This lab has not been tested on other sized Docker EE clusters.

  • If an application is not accessible over a particular port, ensure that containers were not scheduled on a UCP manager node. Easiest way to confirm is to open Admin Settings -> Scheduler and disable the boxes for Allow administrators to deploy containers on UCP managers or nodes running DTR and Allow users to schedule on all nodes, including UCP managers and DTR nodes.


In this lab we've looked how Docker EE and Microsoft Azure can help you manage both Linux and Windows workloads whether they be traditional apps you've modernized or newer cloud-native apps, leveraging Swarm or Kubernetes for orchestration.

You can find more information on Docker EE at http://www.docker.com as well as continue exploring using our hosted trial at https://dockertrial.com