Pet Hotel Project

NOTE: Do not fork this repository. Instead, create your own repositories from scratch.

Trello Board:

This Board has some tasks already defined, feel free to update as you see fit.


  • build a full-stack application, writing the backend in a new language
  • utilize separate GitHub repositories for the client-side and server-side of an application
  • build confidence w/ SQL statements for CRUD and 1-M joins


We are replacing our Node/Express/PG server with other serverside tech. Your RESTful API server needs to be able to route requests, respond, and talk to our PostGRES database.

Be sure to try to focus your Googling to API Servers with these stacks. There are tutorials for all of these where the focus is to get a basic REST API server up and running.

Tech Guide

These are suggested frameworks and DB connectors for each stack:


The client side should remain React, Redux, Redux Sagas as needed. The backend is not node. To accopmlish this, you will need to create one repo for your React application and another for the server. This will disrupt your usual workflow! You can have both running in separate vscode windows.

You may run into proxy issues as you try to get axios to make requests to another port. Try to work through them. Recall the proxy setting we have been adding to our package.json...


  • Add owners
  • Add pets
  • Remove owners if no pets are assigned
  • Remove pets
  • Check in / out a pet
  • Show total number of pet next to each owner


Dashboard View

Add Entry Page

Manage Owners View

Add Entry Page


Start with two tables pets & owners. When base features are complete, add more tables as needed for stretch goals.


Before moving on past Base features, please take time to comment your code and otherwise document what you've learned about your new server side technology stack. The rest of your cohort will benefit from your trailblazing!

Other Features

  • Update pets and owners
  • Keep track of visits (you may need another table or two for this)
  • Add images for pets