ANGULAR 4.0 Version 1.0

IDE: Atom Created by – Vivek Katoch

  1. Install Node JS

Node JS provides run time environment that executes JavaScript code outside browser. Download latest version of nodejs from We install it because angular uses its tools for creating project. It provides browser sync functionality Installing third party angular command line interface library using command  npm install –g @angular/cli where npm = node package manager g = global [install for all users of computer]  ng -version

  1. Create Angular project  ng new “courseshoppingcart”  ng serve [run project on port 4200 using web pack] Web pack inject bundle js libraries in index.html at run time

  2. Install Type Script package  npm install –g typescript [object oriented, support compile time error] Verify typescript package version using command  tsc --version

  3. Install Browser Sync package  npm install –g browser-sync  browser-sync --version

  4. Create Component inside angular project  cd  ng g c “course”

  5. Create Service in angular  ng g s
