
Compare the performance of TCP and UDP with varying conditions.

Primary LanguageR

Project Proposal for EL6383 - Submission Instructions

Project proposal submissions are due 29 March 2015.

The final project submission is due 17 April 2015. After 17 April, you will be assigned to reproduce another students' experiment.

  1. One team member should fork this repository. Your fork may be private or public (it's up to you), and you can name the repository whatever you want.
  2. In your repository settings, add all team members as admin users, and add ffund as an admin user.
  3. Edit the 'proposal.md' file to describe the details of your project, following the template I've provided there.
  4. Email me a link to your fork of the project repository. CC all team members on this email. The subject line of this email should be: [EL6383] Project Proposal Submission

Other instructions

All of your code and data for this project should be pushed to your project repository. You should push code frequently, as you work. Your final repository should also include a report (written in Markdown) detailing how to reproduce your work.