
A few functions which can be automated for data science

Primary LanguagePython


A few functions which can be automated for data science and ease our work

About it

Various data science steps which are repetative or Orignal. This can help save time and Help infer our data in a better way.


1. def df_summary(df,target=None,num_but_cat_list=[],missing_only='no',impossible_only='no',outliers_only='no'):

Takes The data frame and returns a customized summary of it. Summary conatins -Name and Total count -Dtypes -Missing values number and percentage -Number of unique values -Range -Mean,Median,Mode value and which imputaion method should be used if needed -Impossible values presence and percentage -Ouliers presence and percentage -First,second and third value -Entropy

2. def corr_matrix(df,annot=True):

Returns a neater version of the heatmap of a correlation matrix of a dataframe

3. def model_eval_classifier(algo,Xtrain,ytrain,Xtest,ytest,voting=None):

Returns ROC_AUC score ,ROC_AUC plot, Confusion matrix ,Accuracy score, Misclassified score, Classification report for binary and Confusion matrix ,Accuracy score, Misclassified score, Classification report for multiclass

4. def features_to_drop(df,corr_value=0.95):

Returns a Dataframe with one of the feature having correlation value with another feature above given value is dropped

5. def sensitivity_specificity_from_threshold(algo,Xtest,ytest,threshold=0.5):

Returns sensitivity and specificity from a given treshold

6. def algorithim_boxplot_comparison(X,y,algo_list=[],random_state=3,scoring_name1=None,scoring_name2=None,n_splits=3):

Returns an boxplot comparing different algorithims

7. def forward_selection(X, y, significance_level=0.05,algo='logistic'):

Performs Forward selection on the data

8. def backward_elimination(X, y,significance_level = 0.05,algo='logistic'):

Performs Backward selection on the data

9. def stepwise_selection(X, y, significance_level=0.05,algo='logistic',SL_in=0.05,SL_out = 0.05):

Performs Step-wise selection on the data

10. def column_may_be_categorical(df,target=None,threshold=10):

Returns column which could be considred as categorical for analysis but is numerical in nature

11. def optimized_n_cluster_value(df,range_min=2,range_max=10,random_state=3):

Plot of No. of Clusters vs SSD and Plot of No. of Clusters vs Silhouette Score. From these plots We can infer n_cluster value