
OpenSource Courseware

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Couchbase Server 4.5

Course Outline

Develop and Operate highly scalable and agile database for modern Web, Mobile, and IoT systems.

Participants will learn

  • Why and Where to use NoSql databases
  • What are the Types of NoSql databases
  • Data modeling with NoSql
  • Why to choose Couchbase Server as document NoSql
  • How to install and operate Couchbase Server in Cross Data-center Environment
  • What are the tools available to build application using Java/Node.js/.Net sdk


  • Rdbms database administration and/or development experience - create database/tables, backup/restore, and sql query familiarity
  • System administration and scripting experience - yum package manager, linux shell
  • Proficiency with programming or scripting languages - Java, JavaScript, .Net
  • Familiarity with Restful/Soap web services
  • Exposure to high availability/high performance system design

Why NoSql Databases

  • History, hype, and industry trends
  • Rdbms strengths and shortcomings - strong consistency, rich ecosystem, weak scalability and limited availability options
  • NoSql strength and weaknesses - replication and sharding built-in, high scalability and availability, limited ecosystem, eventually consistency
  • CAP theorem - pick two out of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance
  • Search Engines, Big Data, and Data Streaming - where Rdbms used to answer all needs, NoSql takes a different approach for now
  • Polyglot persistence - no more one size fits all, for different needs - different tools
  • Cloud and NoSql consideration - a different view on Rdbms, NoSql support is strong and growing

Types of NoSql Databases

  • Key/Value - simple read/write pattern, high availability, no query capabilities
  • Document - read/write by key, query language, secondary indexes, and map reduce
  • Wide Column Family - read/write by key, secondary indexes, multi-value sets as a column
  • Graph - excels at storing and retrieving relationships between nodes
  • Multi-Model - a combination of two or more of the above types

Data Modeling with NoSql

  • Group Exercise: use customer data and ask to map without fk/joins supported
  • Linking - similar to Rdbms joins, familiar to data modelers, no/little query language support
  • Upside down approach - model the data usage not the data storage
  • De-normalization and Aggregates - duplicates and pre-processed data is Okay if not Great
  • Application side joins - when reads and writes are fast data access patterns change
  • Search engines do searches better, keyword searches is likely a requirement
  • Map/Reduce and Data Streaming do data analysis better and Big Data is a likely target
  • Group exercise: key strategy for key/value and document store

Couchbase Server - document NoSql

  • Couchbase as a key/value and as a document NoSql
  • Architecture - cluster, nodes, buckets, documents, and views
  • Exercise: setup one node cluster on linux, access Server Ui, create first document
  • Document, N1QL, and Views - how it all comes together
  • Exercise: populate few documents, build views, and insert/retrieve data using Admin Ui
  • N1QL an equivalent to sql in Rdbms, but with some key differences
  • Exercise: query data with N1QL using shell

Couchbase Server Cluster Operation

  • Nodes, clusters and cross data centre replication
  • Exercise: join previously stand-alone nodes into 2 clusters
  • Cross data centre replication
  • Exercise: configure cross clusters data replication between 2 clusters
  • Auto fail-over, Backup, and Restore
  • Exercise: fail one node in cluster, backup and restore one node in a cluster

Build application using Java/Node.js/.Net sdk

  • Sdk object/model model - overview of one/two sdk based on customer preference
  • Exercise: connect to Couchbase cluster, retrieve few documents
  • Object model for read/write with fall-back to replica read
  • Exercise: write a document, read a document, read a document from replica
  • Object model for views
  • Exercise: query couchbase using Views object model
  • Object model for N1QL queries
  • Exercise: query couchbase using N1QL