Shared Bank Account

RDBMS Schema



  • AccountId: uuid, PK
  • Owner: uuid FK to Organization
  • Account Status: Active or Inactive
  • ...


  • UserId: uuid, PK
  • ...

Account User

  • AccountUserId: uuid, PK
  • AccountId: uuid, FK to account, composite Unique Index
  • UserId: uuid, FK to users, composite Unique Index
  • UserType: Administrator or Standard
  • Status: Active or Inactive


  • TransactionId: uuid, PK
  • AccountId: uuid, FK to account
  • UserId: uuid, FK to user
  • TransactionType: Deposit or Withdraw
  • Amount: money
  • Balance: money
  • Timestamp: date-time

Comments: Append-only table

Withdraw Limit

  • WithdrawLimitId: uuid, PK
  • AccountId: uuid, FK to account, composite Unique Index
  • UserId: uuid, FK to users, composite Unique Index
  • LimitType: daily, weekly, or monthly
  • Amount: money
  • Timestamp: date-time

Comments: Records are append-only to preserve the history. The timestamp used to locate the most recent record for limit validation purposes.


  • OrganizationId: uuid, PK
  • ...

Organization Users

  • OrganizationUserId: uuid, PK
  • OrganizationId: uuid, FK
  • UserId: uuid, FK
  • ...

Account Audit Trail

  • AccountAuditTrailId: uuid, PK
  • AccountId: uuid
  • ActorUserId: uuid
  • Timestamp: date-time
  • OldValues: json
  • NewValues: json

Comments: Append-only table

Account User Audit Trail

  • AccountUserAuditTrailId: uuid, PK
  • AccountId: uuid, non-unique index
  • UserId: uuid, non-unique index
  • ActorUserId: uuid, non-unique index
  • Timestamp: date-time, non-unique index desc
  • OldValues: json
  • NewValues: json

Comments: Append-only table

User Audit Trail

  • UserAuditTrailId: uuid, PK
  • UserId: uuid, non-unique index
  • ActorUserId: uuid, non-unique index
  • Timestamp: date-time, non-unique index desc
  • OldValues: json
  • NewValues: json

Comments: Append-only table


Bank Account


  • open(admin_user_id: str, account: dict) -> dict
    * User id will be added to account user as admin
  • get(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str) -> dict
    * User id must be 'active' on the account user list with type == Administrator
  • update(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str, account_details: dict) -> dict
    * User id must be 'active' on the account user list with type == Administrator
  • close(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str)
    * User id must be 'active' on the account user list with type == Administrator
  • deposit_funds(account_id: str, user_id: str, amount: float)
      * User must be 'active' on the list of account users for the account
  • withdraw_funds(account_id: str, user_id, amount: float) -> dict
      * User must not exceed limit as defined in the withdraw limits
      * Withdraw limit is compared to the total of all transactions 
        for the given user for the day, week, or month
      * Withdraw amount should not exceed the latest balance available for the account
  • view_available_balance(account_id: str, user_id: str) -> dict
      * Available balance is a delta between withdraw limits
      * And total sum of withdraw transaction for the given user and account 
        for the day, week, or month
  • view_transaction_history(**kwargs) -> list of dict
    user_id: filter transactions by user_id
    start_date: to filter the history, today is the default
    end_date: to filter the history, 2999-12-31 is the default
    transaction_type: to filter the history
    offset: int = 0
    limit: int = 100, max limit is enforced to avoid large result set 
  • view_transaction_history_as_admin:
    admin_user_id: validate user is an account Administrator 
    user_ids: list of str to filter transactions, 
              when list is empty - retrieve all,
              transactions by other admins will be filtered out
    start_date: to filter the history, today is the default
    end_date: to filter the history, 2999-12-31 is the default
    transaction_type: to filter the history
    offset: int = 0
    limit: int = 100, max limit is enforced to avoid large result set 
  • get_withdraw_limits(**kwargs) -> list of dict
    account_id: str
    admin_user_id: str
    user_id: str = None
    include_inactive: Boolean = False
    offset: int = 0
    limit: int = 100, max limit is enforced to avoid large result set 
  • place_withdraw_limit(**kwargs)
    admin_user_id:   validate the user is on the list of account users 
                    and is active with type == Administrator
    user_id:  validate the user is on the list of account users 
              and is active and with type != Administrator
    limit_type: daily, weekly, or monthly
    amount: verify the value is positive
  • add_user(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str, user: dict) -> dict
    * Cannot add user to an account where user is not on the list of 
      organization users for the account owner organization
  • get_users(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 100) -> list of dict
  • remove_user(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str, user_id: str)
  • update_user(account_id: str, admin_user_id: str, user: dict)


Internal-use class to move validation rules from the Bank Account class

  • validate_user_is_admin(account_id: str, user_id: str) -> Boolean
  • validate_withdraw_limit(account_id: str, user_id: str, amount: float) -> Boolean


Internal-use class to move data repository related code away from other classes

  • execute(sql_statement: str)
  • execute_query(sql_statement: str) -> list


  • Subcommittee is treated as a user
  • No requirements provided for user management


  • Family is treated as an organization
  • No requirements provided for organization management