
Kick all clients off the marked wifi

Primary LanguageShell


by VKing34

Kick all clients off a marked wifi

  • How to install :

    1, Copy "ddoswifi" and "airmon" to /usr/bin/

    2, "cd /urs/bin" then execute them by the command - "chmod +x ddoswifi" & "chmod +x airmon"

    3, Type "ddoswifi" to begin.

    *All the required tools are listed before starting the program. *So if you're missing some ones, just install them by Linux Terminal with some simple commands. "sudo apt-get install (toolsname)"

  • How to use:

    1, Select an interface ( The chipset of wifi adapter must support Monitor Mode)

    2, After scanning wifi(s) around you, press CTRL+C in the scanning window

    3, Select a target or rescan

    4, If you wanna stop any task, just press CTRL+C in the responded window.

    5, To exit, you can choose "Exit" option or press CTRL+C in the main window.

*Don't use it for bad purposes.

If you have any quez, text me via lzzvkingzzl@gmail.com And sorry for my English :))) Thank you !