
The summary about interview questions i am asked.

Interview Questions

This is my note about the interview questions or skills that i was asked.

*Note: These references are suitable to the junior position and updating

Backend Developer

  1. English Speaking

  2. OOP principles

  3. Design Patterns [Java]

    • Naming design patterns you know
    • Important patterns:
      • Builder
      • Observer
      • State
      • Singleton
      • Factory
      • Adapter
      • Decorator
  4. Multithreading

  5. Webserver

  6. Transaction

  7. Comparison between MySQL vs Monogodb

  8. Differences between Postgres (MySQL) and MongoDB

  9. What is index? How it works?

  10. Standards for the response time? benmark tools?


  1. Pros and cons of Microservices?
  • Pros:
    • Enables the continuous delivery and deployment of large, complex applications.

      • Improved maintainability
      • Better testability
      • Better deployability
    • Each microservice is relatively small:

      • Easier for a dev to understand
      • App starts faster, speeds up deployments.
    • Improved fault isolation.

    • Eliminates any long-term commitment to technology stack.

  • Cons:
    • The additional complexity complexity of creating a distributed system:
      • The inter service communication mechanism.
      • Testing the interactions between services is more difficult.
      • Request that span multiple services is more difficult.
    • Deployment complexity.
    • Increased resource consumption.
  1. MVC

DevOps Engineerer

  1. Docker
  2. Kubernetes