
Graph problem solver with a visualizer

Primary LanguageC


This program takes a graph (rooms with un-directed connections) and computes an efficient way to move N ants from source node to sink node. It also outputs an animated movement of the ants (flag -v).


Run make. An executable will compile. Currently only tested on OS X.

Run with ./lem-in < Filename.

A collection of sample ant farms is included in the maps/ folder.

Visualizer example - run ./lem-in -v < maps/map2.c


Map generator

You can also use the included map generator ./generator --big | time ./lem-in.

See ./generator --help for details on the generator.


Command Description
--help Usage
-n Print total number of moves
-p Print paths
-q Quiet mode
-v Launch visualizer


The map has a specific format:

3         <- Number of Ants
##start   <- Indicates the starting point
##end     <- Indicates the end
S 0 0     <- Format Room `NAME X Y`
S-T       <- Link between two rooms (undirected graph)
^D        <- end

Allowed functions:

malloc, free, perror, strerror, read, write, exit.


C language, problem solving, pathfinding, Dijkstra’s algorithm, efficiency, optimization.