
A game like PacMan simple project!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A game like PacMan simple project!

Notes: Важна Информация от условието!

1.This is described also later, but sometimes people oversee it. In this course we implement PacMan cutting the spritesheet w/ CSS, not drawing it w/ canvas. Canvas is a more complex approach and draws too much attention and effort, while we want to have a more balanced attention and effort distributed among the different elements of the game.

2.In the same spirit we do not use CSS animations, but animate the PacMan w/ JavaScript using its different phases or costumes which can be found on the spritesheet.



// A CYCLE THAT GOES ON AND ON// HEARTBEAT // The overall speed of the game. // Nothing in the game can be faster than that.// STATE // EVERY ACTOR SHOULD HAVE A STATE // Birth. For example a bomb in Space Invaders. // Where is the actor? // Costume // Actor heartbeat // etc // READING THE KEYBOARD// DECISION (BRAIN) // ONE BRAIN PER ACTOR // What to do next? // What is a collision? What happens? // EXECUTION // Execute the decision of the Brain.


  1. Clean and easy to understand code

let lastPressedKey = undefined;

// This is easier to read...

lastPressedKey = e.code;

window.localStorage.setItem("lastPressedKey", lastPressedKey);

// ...than this

window.localStorage.setItem("lastPressedKey", e.code);

  1. Useful links! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_atlas https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_css.asp https://dahoum.wales/the-pacman-as-a-nursery-32ba07b282b1