
Angular2 Modal (dialog) window bootstrap style.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular 2 (rc.0): Modal/Dialog window (with Bootstrap presets).

A fully generic, customizable and fluent modal window implementation for Angular 2 with built in Bootstrap support.
Generic means it can support any CSS framework or be a standalone, supply a Component, replace some Tokens and add some presets (optional) and you have an identical fluent API modal for your framework of choice.

DISCLAIMER Angular 2 is still in the works. The core concepts are solid, but the API may change. If you find that a code snippet that does not work, please message me, and I will update.

Built with angular 2 rc.0

Breaking changing from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 (angular2 beta 15 to beta 17 and beyond)

See here

Note: Next major version, 1.0.0

The next major version of angular2-modal will be ui platform/framework agnostic.

UI platforms/framework will describe their UI implementation and register with angular2-modal via angular's DI module.
This means virtually any modal implementation out there can be ported into angular2-modal. `angular2-modal' will come with some built in UI platforms, external UI platform can be added in the future or externally used using NPM modules.

angular2-modal makes heavy use of angular's dependency injection module to provide abstraction around modal creation so creating a plugin is straight forward. This will also make customization a lot easier.

The current beta of 1.0.0 implements the following UI platforms:
  • Bootstrap's modal
  • Vex (WIP)
  • POC implementation of JS Native modal (window.alert/prompt/confirm) to demonstrate a hostile takeover :)

Developer's using ES6 modules will import the providers for the UI platform of their choice.

End users of angular2-modal should expect mild breaking API changes in 1.0.0
If you are currently extending angular2-modal you should expect some refactoring of your work. 1.0.0 include changes in:

  • File structure (UI platform holds it's own presets...)
  • File naming convention (moving to snake-case)
  • The logic to extend angular2-modal

1.0.0 is 70% complete.


  • Easy to use API via Fluent API Presets (alert, propmt, confirm)
  • Fully customizable.
  • Easily add your own Presets.
  • Select cancel/quit key.
  • Cascading.
  • Element blocking.
  • Blocking / Non blocking modal.
  • Modal as a component, replace the content by supplying a custom component.
  • Built-in bootstrap implementation.
  • Bootstrap model size configurable.

That's how easy it is:

    .title('Hello World')
    .body('In Angular 2')

Click for the Demo Make sure to check the code generator!
If you're looking for a SystemJS demo, please see this plunker
Click for the auto generated Docs

Code Generator!

Blog post will be up soon! look for it in my Blog

See src/demo for demo app with examples.

Will try to add documented examples if time allows.


    npm install angular2-modal --save

Running locally

git clone https://github.com/shlomiassaf/angular2-modal.git  
npm install  
typings install  
webpack-dev-server // development, webpack -p to build.  
browse to localhost:3000  

You can apply custom modals based on components.


Publishing is done using the TypeScript compiler directly (no webpack) The process involves compiling into a directory called dist Webpack is using the build directory. Since I didn't find a way to instruct tsc what config file to use (i.e: a different tsconfig.json) I created a publish directory instead and set the --project argument accordingly.

Issues and TODO's


Not so complicated but not in angular 2 at the moment.

Bootstrap free / ShadowDOM

Make it fly solo....

Support for custom backdrops.