
Django gradient colorField fills the need of having a colorfield that's usable in both django models and forms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module fills the need of having a colorfield that's usable in both django models and forms.

Makes use of lgcolor.


  • Add gradient_colorfield folder to project root
  • Add gradient_colorfield to your INSTALLED_APPS
  • Collect static files with ./manage.py collectstatic


In your models, you can use it like this:

from django.db import models

from gradient_colorfield.fields import GradientColorField

class AppModel(models.Model):
   header_background = GradientColorField(verbose_name=u'Header Background',
                                          default='linear-gradient(to bottom, #00f260 0%, #0575e6 100%)'
   footer_background = GradientColorField(verbose_name=u'Footer Background',
                                          default='linear-gradient(to bottom, #00f260 0%, #0575e6 100%)'

   def __str__(self):
       return 'Gradient{}'.format(self.id)

In your ModelForm, you can use it like this:

from django import forms
from app.models import AppModel

class AppForm(forms.ModelForm):
   class Meta:
       model = AppModel
       fields = ['header_background', 'footer_background']

In your FormWidget, you can use it like this:

from django import forms

from gradient_colorfield.fields import GradientColorWidget

class AppForm(forms.Form):
    header_background = forms.CharField(label='Header Background', max_length=20, widget=GradientColorWidget(),
                                        initial='linear-gradient(to bottom, #00f260 0%, #0575e6 100%)',
    footer_background = forms.CharField(label='Footer Background', max_length=20, widget=GradientColorWidget(),
                                       initial='linear-gradient(to bottom, #00f260 0%, #0575e6 100%)')

In your Template, you can use it like this:


{% for field in form %}
{% endfor %}

Run Sample App

  • Create virtualenv virtualenv -p $(which python3.6) env3 -- Python 3.6
  • Activate virtualenv source env3/bin/activate
  • Install Dependencypip install -r requirements.txt
  • Migrate cd sample-app && python manage.py migrate
  • Run Django Sample-app python manage.py runserver