
Primary LanguageHCL

Wiz SE Demo Repository - Github


This repository is dedicated to providing a starting point for SE demos using CI integration for WizCLI


  • Github Account
  • Wiz Service Account (security_scan:create)
  • Ability to work with branches in Git

OPTIONAL - Supporting requirements for dev machine

  • Git installed
  • VS Code
  • Wiz-CLI
  • AWSCLI installed and operational
  • Azure CLI installed and operational
  • Terraform >= 1.0 installed and operational
  • Docker installed and running

Basic Setup

  1. Create a new repository from the template repository

  1. Set repository target and name (customize name to fit your needs)


  1. Recreate repository secrets (obtained from Wiz service account security_scan:create)

NOTE: If targeting test you may also set the WIZ_ENV here as well.

  1. Get coffee

☕️ Template cleanup process takes a few minutes

  1. Check for branches

Basic Usage

This repo is configured to have the following additonal branches

  • container-pass
  • container-fail
  • iac-pass
  • iac-fail

(main branch not shown here)

  1. Each branch has a text file in the root of the branch with the same name referred to here as branch-file.txt.

  2. To make code PRs easier you can simply modify the text in the branch-file.txt to get a code change to submit.

  1. Double click the file to access the editor.

  1. Add or change contents of the file and commit changes

  1. Navigate back to the repo root and you should see compare & pull request

  1. Simply use all of the defaults and select create pull request

  1. Repeat for the other branches branches

The github actions located in .github/workflows will provide the required actions during PRs

  1. Enable branch protection

  1. Configure branch protection for main

NOTE: BE SURE TO SELECT BOTH ACTIONS Wiz-cli Dockerfile and Container Scan and Wiz-cli IaC Scan

  1. Go back and view you PRs


This repository is currently under development. If you see a problem please open an issue.

Container Scanning Inventory


Folder Item Purpose
contianer-pass Dockerfile Should be built in a way to pass all checks
container-fail Dockerfile Uses old version, copies in secrets, does not conform to standards
container-fail awssecret.txt Contains secret in text
container-fail secret.yaml Contains secret in text

IaC Scanning Inventory


Folder Purpose
aws/terraforn-eks-pass Terraform instructions to build an EKS cluster
aws/terraforn-eks-fail Terraform instructions to build an EKS cluster
azure/terraform-aks-pass FUTURE USE
azure/terraform-aks-fail FUTURE USE