
PyBit is a small application written in wxPython for shortening URLs using some of the best shortening engines like: bit.ly, is.gd, cli.gs, smsh.me and tr.im and posting status updates to twitter or identi.ca.

Primary LanguagePython

                *      pyBit2 README file      *
                *                              *
                * Author: Vladimir Kolev       *
                * Licenze: GPLv3               *
                * Year: 2009                   *

        1. Introduction
        2. Installation
        3. Configuration
        4. TODO
1. Introduction

    PyBit is a small application written in wxPython for shortening URLs
    using some of the best shortening engines like: bit.ly, is.gd,
    cli.gs, smsh.me and tr.im and posting status updates to twitter or identi.ca. 
    pyBit tries to be as simple as possible and more userfirendly. So the 
    configuration is done using a simple preference dialog and all the 
    buttons and text is bigger. But you have to know, that all passwords 
    (for twitter and identi.ca) are stored in plain text, so it's NOT 
    secure, till I figure out a simple way to store the passwords, or 
    twitter gives a hash authentication method.
    Under GNOME pyBit stores the shotened URL directly to your clipboard,
    so you don't have to select and copy the short URL.
2. Installation

    PyBit doesn't require any installation, but if you wish, you could do
    that following the next steps:
    1. Be sure you have installed the needed dependences:
        - python-wxgtk2.8
        - python-gtk
        - curl (only needed for the status updater)
        - ConfigObj (actually included in the archive)
    2. Copy the folder content to the /opt directory (you could change it
    but for the example I'll be using /opt)
        # cp -rp pybit /opt
    3. Make sure the python.conf file is writable:
        # chmod 755 /opt/pybit/pybit.conf
    4. Create a global executable script:
        # sudo gedit /usr/bin/pybit
            in the opened editor enter the following content:
            cd /opt/pybit/ && python pytbit.py
    5. Make the script executable:
        # sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/pybit
    6. Now you can add pybit to your applications menu:
        For GNOME:
         - Open System -> Preferences -> Main Menu
         - Select Internet and click on +New Item
         - Enter the following:
            Name: pyBit
            Command: pybit
            Comment: URL shortening
         - For icon you could select /opt/pybit/icons/icon.png
        For KDE:
         It's identical, but I don't have KDE based distribution to test
    and That's it about the installation process
3. Configuration

    The configuration ot pyBit as I said can be done using the 
    Preferencess Dialog. All changes made take effect after restarting
    the application. If you are more expirienced user you could edit the
    pybit.conf file, but you will nead to read the comments.
    Since pyBit is a new application there are still some things to be
    done. Here is a small list of the these:
        - Apply changes without restarting the application
        - Translate the interface
        - Make the configuration universal, so the users could add other
          shortening websites providing only the api URL and where the
          strings come in. 
        - Improve the status updater, because now it uses the curl 
          method for posting to twitter or statusnet identical websites.