
This library can convert a pydantic class to a avro schema or generate python code from a avro schema.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python package codecov PyPI version CodeQL


This library can convert a pydantic class to a avro schema or generate python code from a avro schema.


pip install pydantic-avro

Pydantic class to avro schema

import json
from typing import Optional

from pydantic_avro.base import AvroBase

class TestModel(AvroBase):
    key1: str
    key2: int
    key2: Optional[str]

schema_dict: dict = TestModel.avro_schema()

Avro schema to pydantic

# Print to stdout
pydantic-avro avro_to_pydantic --asvc /path/to/schema.asvc

# Save it to a file
pydantic-avro avro_to_pydantic --asvc /path/to/schema.asvc --output /path/to/output.py

Install for developers

Install package
  • Requirement: Poetry 1.*
poetry install
Run unit tests
coverage run -m pytest  # with coverage
# or (depends on your local env) 
poetry run pytest
poetry run coverage run -m pytest  # with coverage
Run linting

The linting is checked in the github workflow. To fix and review issues run this:

black .   # Auto fix all issues
isort .   # Auto fix all issues
pflake .  # Only display issues, fixing is manual