A tiny lib that imports Typescript modules (services) dynamically with minimal external dependencies(fs-extra).
At that moment "DynamicLoader" class dynamic import modules.
Examples of usage can see in folder "./examples".
import {DynamicLoader} from "./src/dynamicLoader";
(async () => {
const someJson = await DynamicLoader.loadJson('./path/to/some.json');
// do something with loaded json
})().catch(err => {
// error handler
import {DynamicLoader} from "./src/dynamicLoader";
(async () => {
const someModule= await DynamicLoader.loadModuleByPath('./path/to/some/module');
// do something with dynamic imported module
})().catch(err => {
// error handler
In folder "./examples" You can see "coworkersApp.ts" source code.
For testing this example You must have working AMQP server or use some services in the internet
which support this protocol.
Include Your token for AMQP server in "./examples/token.ts" file and run command:
npm run example:coworkers
After this You can publish a massage for "processorFnQueue", "processorFnMakerQueue" or "processorFnFactoryQueue" in AMQP manager.
Result You will see in console when was running "npm run example:coworkers" command
In folder "./examples" You can see "expressApp.ts" source code.
For testing this example just run command:
npm run example:express
After this You can visit "http://localhost:3000" URL or send GET request to this URL by any HTTP Request manager.
Result You will see in Your browser of HTTP Request manager and console when was running "npm run example:express" command.
import {DynamicLoader} from "./src/dynamicLoader"; // importing "DynamicLoader" class
import {ISrvConf, Processor, ProcessorTypes} from "./src/types"; // .json config file interface and processor module interface
(async () => {
const conf = await DynamicLoader.loadJson('./examples/config/services.json');
let dynamicLoader = new DynamicLoader(conf);
// './examples/config/' - path to dir with config files, at that moment must have all slashes
let service = await dynamicLoader.loadService('service_name'); // service == {config: ISrvConf; processor: Processor; processorType: ProcessorTypes}
})().catch(err => {
// error handler
4. Example of using DynamicLoader with config file and examples of function service, function maker service and function factory service
In folder "./examples" You can see file "processorTypesDemo.ts", just run command:
npm run examples:procs
After that You can see result of work function service, function maker service and function factory service in console where command was running.
Using for load config.json file which implements "IConfig" interface.
Used in example #3.
import {DynamicLoader} from "./src/dynamicLoader";
(async () => {
const conf = await DynamicLoader.loadJson('./examples/config/services.json');
const loader = new DynamicLoader(conf);
const processorFnServiceJson = await loader.loadConfig('function.service');
})().catch(err => {
// error handler
Using for loading modules.
Example of using can see in "expressApp.ts" in dynamic loading "handlerFactory".
Using for loading service's processor in loadService method which used in example #3.
You can test "DynamicLoader" class using command:
npm test