Description: This repository contains the python scripts thatenable the calculation of all all unique 36,864 ordered BC4-based Adinkras with four colors, four open-nodes and four closed nodes and then calculates the Vij holoraumy matrices and the 1,358,954,496 Matrix elements of the Gadget. My original, basic version of the code used for calculations in the paper is found under original-code branch.
Currently upgrading master branch w/ enhancements which may (T/F)? break current code.
Developed and tested using Python 3 (using Anaconda Python 3.6 as of README update).
$ Requires numpy library
$ Developer/creator tested on Mac OSX. Untested for Windows usage.
To execute this tool, run the following command in Terminal
$ python -u
or if you have both python 2 and 3, specify python 3 version.
$ python3 - Calculates the 36,864 ordered BC4-based adinkras with 4 colours, 4 open and 4 closed nodes. In this case each Adinkra is a tetrad of 4 L matrices. - Calculates the Vij holoramy matrices from each Adinkra. There's six Vij matrices per each Adinkra. The script proceeds to calculate the billion plus matrix elements of the Gadget.
- Vadim K. - **