Tengyuan Liang, firstname.lastname@chicagobooth.edu
Walter Zhang, (Doctoral Candidate, Quant Marketing), walterwzhang@chicagobooth.edu
Wenxuan Guo, (Doctoral Candidate, Econometrics and Statistics), wxguo@chicagobooth.edu
Practice Midterm, Practice Solution
Practice Final, Practice Solution
Homework 3, Hint for Homework 3, Solution 3, Solution Q1 and Q2 in R, Q1 in Excel, Q2 in Excel
Questions about the homework can be posted to Canvas Discussion section. TAs will answer them within 24-48 hrs during weekdays. I recommend everyone to do all the homework.
Annual Return, Hint for Discussion
Simpson's Paradox: video1, video2
Guessing Correlation: wiki, game
Demonstration of Normal Approximation/CLT, and more
Demonstration of Confidence Interval
XKCD, hypothesis testing, can you get the point?