Primary LanguageGroovy


Filter TTT hikes in the Budapest and Budapest környéke region and which are part of the TTT coup. Register these hikes in Google Calendar.


Project credentials


which can be acquired from https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs -> Download JSON for the given project.

Google Calendar Id

where the events are registered. Can be found at Google Calendars -> Settings -> ${Calendar name} -> Share -> Calendar settings -> Calendar Id

Fresh user credentials




Gradle Tasks: (Under group TTT)

  1. DownloadAllHikes: Download all hike data in json format into the datasource folder (all-hikes.json)
  2. DownloadHikeDetails: Download details of all the hikes in the specified regions. Only the details contains the information if a hike is part of the TTT coup or not.

List events of the given calendar

gw run --args "asd@group.calendar.google.com"

Execute hike insertion:

gw run --args "asd@group.calendar.google.com insert-hikes"

To upload hikes into the specifies calendar which are part of the TTT coup.


Apply the following JVM Arguments to log for google's the http clients. (application plugin crs.ttt.config in build.gradle)
