Filter TTT hikes in the Budapest and Budapest környéke region and which are part of the TTT coup. Register these hikes in Google Calendar.
which can be acquired from -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs -> Download JSON for the given project.
where the events are registered. Can be found at Google Calendars -> Settings -> ${Calendar name} -> Share -> Calendar settings -> Calendar Id
- DownloadAllHikes: Download all hike data in json format into the datasource folder (all-hikes.json)
- DownloadHikeDetails: Download details of all the hikes in the specified regions. Only the details contains the information if a hike is part of the TTT coup or not.
gw run --args ""
gw run --args " insert-hikes"
To upload hikes into the specifies calendar which are part of the TTT coup.
Apply the following JVM Arguments to log for google's the http clients. (application plugin crs.ttt.config in build.gradle)