
Primary LanguagePython


The ask is to build a simple booking service using Python/Django to allow a user to see available appointments and to book one. At a minimum an appointment has a date, time and assigned doctor. Booking an appointment will mark it as booked and tie to the user who booked it, preventing it from being booked by other users.

  • Build models for appointment, patient and doctor
  • Build two endpoints: a) List of available appointments for a specific day b) Book appointment
  • Allow patients to only book appointment if it's available

For simplicity reasons, both APIs won't require authentication. A front-end is also not required. Unit tests are not required but encouraged.

Please send back the project as a zip file with instructions on how to run it. You could also add a Postman or Charles session to demonstrate the use of the API.


Apply migration and run server. Database is populated with patients and doctors.

python manage.py migrate booking
python manage.py runserver

Book appointment

curl -v -X POST -d '{"appointment_start":"2020-10-08T12:14:58.975532", "appointment_finish":"2020-10-08T16:14:58.975532", "doctor_id":2 }'

List appointments for the specific date. Date format: %Y%m%d

curl -v