
Apache Kafka, Apache Spark data engineering pipeline

Primary LanguageScala

Build Status

Vehicle Auction Stream Processor

Quick Overview

This project represents a data engineering pipeline to answer the following question:

Who are the top N traders which should be invited for each car auction?


There is a number of predefined entities using which the outcome should be done:

  • New vehicles ready for auctions are coming in stream
  • A bulk data sets of traders (dimensions)
  • A bulk data sets of traders bidding history (facts)
  • 1 value object of vehicle category
  • Traders and bidding history are coming in batches with any arbitrary frequency (e.g. every 12 hours)
  • A trader can be specialised in multiple categories of vehicles (e.g. Sedan and Coupe)

Data Sets

Data Sets


Based on the aforementioned data sets, a solution should be able to calculate which top 20 traders performed better historically in a specific vehicle category; which means to invite them for a new auction, as it is coming in a stream of data.


Criteria for solution stack. All listed technologies chosen based on the core criteria:

  • Truly scalable, distributed and be highly efficient in data processing and streaming
  • Stability
  • Result with a minimum configuration
  • Popularity, community, ease of integration and ecosystem
  • Personal preference

Solution stack

  • Apache Kafka - highly scalable, fault tolerant distributed message streaming / Pub-Sub system. At the moment #1 on the market.
  • Apache Spark - matches all core criteria, in addition it is really fun to work with.
  • Scala - fast (vs. Python) and laconic (vs. Java) solution which smoothly integrates the features of Apache Spark and provides support for object-oriented and functional programming.
  • Hadoop / Azure HDInsight provides access to Azure Marketplace, meaning Spark, Kafka, YARN, Oozie, etc as well as internal routing could be installed and configured withing 1 click (Result with a minimum configuration). Personally, however, I prefer to work with Mesos and Chronos vs. YARN and Oozie and S3 vs. plain HDFS due to their availability, versatility and transparency. Yet another aspect reason why Azure HDInsight been chosen as a cloud provider for this example is an ability to use Spark and Kafka clusters for free during trial period, while AWS doesn't provide EMR nor Apache Kafka as an option for Free Tier at all.
  • Apache Hive is used in order to share resulted ranked traders from TopCategoryTraders bulk job to AuctionAdvice Spark stream application in the most efficient manor, i.e no restarts for AuctionAdvice streaming app, be able to get the latest data anytime, decoupled lifecycle and somewhat audit log.
  • Gradle - rich on enterprise features and plugins comparing to SBT.

Design Schema

Design Schema


Cluster Setup

This setup example will be covering project installation for already configured Azure HDInsight cluster from Marketplace, feel free, however, to choose any other image or cloud provider you prefer. Some steps may vary in this case.

Spark Nodes

Rack Node Containers Memory Used Memory Available VCores Used VCores Available
DEF WN1 2 3Gb 9Gb 2 5
DEF WN0 0 0Gb 12Gb 0 7
DEF WN2 0 0Gb 12Gb 0 7

Key Properties

Data Sets

It is important to stress test a solution, for this purpose 2 datasets: bids.latest.json and traders.latest.json been generated on Mockaroo and multiplied to mimic 'real-life' volume with Bidding History (fact) data ~18Gb and Traders (dimension) list ~21Mb

vkrava4@Vlads-MacBook-Pro auction % ls -lh
total 38548024
-rw-r--r--  1 vkrava4  staff    18G bids.latest.json
-rw-r--r--  1 vkrava4  staff    21M traders.latest.json


# File Format

vkrava4@Vlads-MacBook-Pro auction % tail -3 bids.latest.json 

# Number of rows
vkrava4@Vlads-MacBook-Pro auction % wc -l bids.latest.json 
 142737915 bids.latest.json


# File Format

vkrava4@Vlads-MacBook-Pro auction % tail -3 traders.latest.json 
{"trader_id":"d5008e9c-b125-4a56-96ba-2b6c681a88f8","name":"Magdalen Brockelsby","specialised_categories":"Coupe/Van"}
{"trader_id":"6bed0220-9015-41cf-9344-ce1b27b68b1b","name":"Abdul Quested","specialised_categories":"Van/Compact"}
{"trader_id":"c84c528f-8b54-49de-9862-b5e08672d6b3","name":"Heriberto Steven","specialised_categories":"Sedan/Van"}

# Number of rows
vkrava4@Vlads-MacBook-Pro auction % wc -l traders.latest.json 
  193806 traders.latest.json

Importing Data and Apps

Creating HDFS directory:

vssh@hn0-spark:~$ hadoop fs -mkdir /data/auction/

Verifying imported batch data:

vssh@hn0-spark:~$ hadoop fs -ls /data/auction/
Found 2 items
-rwxrwxrwx   1                 19697832270 2020-08-17 01:54 /data/auction/bids.latest.json
-rwxrwxrwx   1                    22527139 2020-08-16 20:04 /data/auction/traders.latest.json  

Spark Fat-Jar is present on the Spark node:

vssh@hn0-spark:~$ ls

Kafka producer application is present on the Kafka node:

vssh@hn0-kafka:~$ ls


export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="wn0...:9092,wn1...:9092,wn2...:9092"
export BIDS_BATCH="/data/auction/bids.latest.json"
export TRADERS_BATCH="/data/auction/traders.latest.json"

Creating Kafka topics:

/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic vehicle.auction --replication-factor 3 --partitions 8 --zookeeper zk0-kafka.wru0w5mw0azu5hqx4ztnufpqge.frax.internal.cloudapp.net:2181
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic vehicle.auction.traders.advice --replication-factor 3 --partitions 8 --zookeeper zk0-kafka.wru0w5mw0azu5hqx4ztnufpqge.frax.internal.cloudapp.net:2181

Creating Hive database and table:

CREATE TABLE AUCTION.ranked_traders (category String, category_top_traders String, processed_timestamp Timestamp) stored as ORC;

Executing TopCategoryTraders (Initial processing)

Submitting TopCategoryTraders batch job(1st time) in order to fill in AUCTION.ranked_traders traders with results:

spark-submit --class com.vladkrava.vehicle.auction.batch.processor.TopCategoryTraders vehicle-auction-stream-processor-all.jar 20

*where: 20 is a rank of Traders

Viewing the results

hive> SELECT category, category_top_traders, processed_timestamp FROM AUCTION.ranked_traders;

Compact	[294b5960-7b6a-453f-ba26-865aba50b446, ad875cbb-3342-48be-b222-028693d04c92, 4ecc598a-f607-4eb8-afa8-1ab984657327, 087f00c3-9774-4577-9633-39c0d2daf2d8, e0f42174-6a76-4525-b717-a12c807e0d11, 12c0711d-6f6f-4dde-85fe-2d1622cb518a, cef86dbf-b98a-4917-93c6-eaeec1c7187f, f7fd1d50-b9ba-49f6-8463-ef7e0064d4ac, 4271274b-3484-4792-a66e-3fda64998933, 0186d3b4-e576-4332-b1d2-fa292cf86838, a172e734-cbe8-469d-8c8f-efc52660b0a1, 384e959f-37d2-4c69-8e22-a2fa3a392ffa, e198fbda-7ff7-4914-8b3b-7c55fb547b62, 46523e34-7592-4c0a-b705-ea0c4305648e, 67523b26-e914-4f55-ba59-943c46529ff3, 83fb5c66-31e3-4d72-a4be-059d1b4edfb2, 829cef46-7193-4ed3-aac4-059530dacde6, f0073f4e-5b9c-4694-99bb-410098d78462, 42f3c461-a322-4253-8a23-5fd2f3add94d, 3ef33a10-0732-4e9a-86ba-9395303ebec6]	2020-08-17 05:20:43

Execution plan

Batch Job Total Job 0 Details Job 1_0 Details Job 1_1 Details Job 2 Details

Starting AuctionAdvice Stream Application

Submitting AuctionAdvice stream application to Spark

vssh@hn0-spark:~$ spark-submit --class com.vladkrava.vehicle.auction.stream.processor.AuctionAdvice vehicle-auction-stream-processor-all.jar 

Starting Kafka producer application

vssh@hn0-kafka:~$ java -jar streamer-0.0.1.jar STREAM 10 1000

*where STREAM is a command name, 10 messages to be sent, with 1000ms delay between each

Listening to processed results streamer-0.0.1.jar has enabled consumer application, subscribed by default to vehicle.auction.traders.advice for results and printing an output once message arrives.

Producer / Consumer application output

c.v.v.a.s.producer.VehicleProducer       : Sent message: 00cdec21-e47f-411c-9785-3ce841c69545: {"year":"1985","model":"Model Z","category":"Sedan","vehicle_id":"00cdec21-e47f-411c-9785-3ce841c69545","brand":"Bmw","mileage":"94668127"}
c.v.v.a.s.c.VehicleAdviceConsumer        : Message received: {}{"vehicle_id":"00cdec21-e47f-411c-9785-3ce841c69545","category_top_traders":"[c23bafce-b26c-4831-80f1-7a8e32149337, 3b42b3c4-bb9f-46a9-a173-525d0f88b3c8, e6b7f103-15cd-4240-91cd-a74c9ad8ab89, 7bf849aa-0c70-4208-96ef-4518aa383d8b, 25b67bd6-faa9-4304-854b-638910441f97, 979bc9b5-15f4-4289-a082-5c59733fe81e, 40a13d79-cea4-4820-ba54-c759f218d713, 471a5b84-9407-4273-a655-fd9540c17948, 8746a314-b3c7-41a7-b56c-9ad2bf8dc5a8, e0f42174-6a76-4525-b717-a12c807e0d11, d8ff23af-4820-47e6-a39f-00ce1d6ffb98, 37731e81-dae2-44fd-afe5-275c80de6fab, 3cec3c94-d31c-44a6-944d-1505f11cc1ef, 9b762677-272a-41d0-a55e-a68239147910, ad5ce7f6-93b8-4df0-a2ae-6c7d7233976d, 260aeeae-1b81-4844-b440-a223328bf6ec, 13562360-b942-4345-a60b-e2f44986c017, 4b4aced1-2727-475a-a691-0353318d5085, 81933482-174b-40c0-a955-0b32f6608949, 2cfdf2f3-6446-4c5a-b738-918d316e144c]"}


Stress Execution (Chaos Testing)

For this scenario Kafka producer application will be dispatching random messages every millisecond to vehicle.auction topic and awaiting advised top traders on vehicle.auction.traders.advice. With this, however, an information in traders.latest.json will be changed (a trader: c23bafce-b26c-4831-80f1-7a8e32149337 with specialised categories Sedan/SUV, who'd been a #1 trader in Sedan category previously, will be removed from the list) and TopCategoryTraders batch job will be submitted to Spark for reprocessing, so, by the end of execution new incoming messages would contain new category_top_traders list.

Producer / Consumer application output after TopCategoryTraders re-processing

c.v.v.a.s.producer.VehicleProducer       : Sent message: 337cd025-9233-4dde-8921-cbfb77fea67b: {"year":"2011","model":"Series 3","category":"Sedan","vehicle_id":"337cd025-9233-4dde-8921-cbfb77fea67b","brand":"Bmw","mileage":"-2082618557"}
c.v.v.a.s.c.VehicleAdviceConsumer        : Message received: {}{"vehicle_id":"337cd025-9233-4dde-8921-cbfb77fea67b","category_top_traders":"[3b42b3c4-bb9f-46a9-a173-525d0f88b3c8, e6b7f103-15cd-4240-91cd-a74c9ad8ab89, 7bf849aa-0c70-4208-96ef-4518aa383d8b, 25b67bd6-faa9-4304-854b-638910441f97, 979bc9b5-15f4-4289-a082-5c59733fe81e, 40a13d79-cea4-4820-ba54-c759f218d713, e0f42174-6a76-4525-b717-a12c807e0d11, 471a5b84-9407-4273-a655-fd9540c17948, 8746a314-b3c7-41a7-b56c-9ad2bf8dc5a8, d8ff23af-4820-47e6-a39f-00ce1d6ffb98, 37731e81-dae2-44fd-afe5-275c80de6fab, 3cec3c94-d31c-44a6-944d-1505f11cc1ef, 9b762677-272a-41d0-a55e-a68239147910, ad5ce7f6-93b8-4df0-a2ae-6c7d7233976d, 260aeeae-1b81-4844-b440-a223328bf6ec, 13562360-b942-4345-a60b-e2f44986c017, 81933482-174b-40c0-a955-0b32f6608949, 4b4aced1-2727-475a-a691-0353318d5085, 2cfdf2f3-6446-4c5a-b738-918d316e144c, 7edc13b6-955e-4948-b1c9-ff085929000d]"}

*where trader 00cdec21-e47f-411c-9785-3ce841c69545 is no longer in the list of category_top_traders as he'd been removed from traders.latest.json

Execution plan Stream and Batch Stream Jobs Stream Job1 Stream Job2

Job execution coordination

TopCategoryTraders application can be submitted to Oozie for coordination, in particular, assets/oozie/coordinator.xml file contains execution frequency: * 0/12 * * * using which a Spark action will be submitted for execution every 12 hours.


Provided solution is able to calculate which top 20 traders performed better historically in a specific vehicle category. There is a way to invite top traders for a new auction by subscribing to vehicle.auction.traders.advice Kafka topic for results.