
Gabi CLI

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gabi CLI

This is a CLI written for the GABI service. For details about GABI, look here.

To run this CLI you will need a current session into the Openshift cluster you would like to query. Please make sure you are logged into the cluster via oc login before running Gabi CLI.

You also need to be connected to the Openshift project running the database container that you wish to query. You can do so by running oc project <projectname>.


You can download and install the latest release of the Gabi CLI with this command:
go install github.com/vkrizan/gabi-cli@latest

After which you should be able to run it with gabi-cli.

If you receive a command not found error, make sure that your go bin directory has been added to your path. For information on what your go bin directory is, run go help install.


Usage of gabi-cli:
  -h    Shows help
  -kubeconfig string
        (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "~/.kube/config")
  -n string
        Namespace (defaults to current context)
  -q    Suppress logging messages

If your system is correctly configured (logged into Openshift and a GABI compliant project selected), then running gabi-cli should report the namespace, cluster, and GABI url you have accessed and drop you into a database query prompt.

In this prompt you may interact with the database via SQL query strings.

Some examples:
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables; -> List all tables for a Postgres database
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table>; -> Count the number of rows in table <table>
SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '<table>'; -> List column names and types for <table> in a Postgres database.

NOTE: Only query strings may be used. PSQL commands, such as \d and \gdesc will not work.

You may scroll through the command history with the up and down arrow keys.

Ctrl + L will clear the screen.

Ctrl + D will quit the prompt and exit Gabi CLI.