
Automated setup for Mac with ansible

Primary LanguagePython

My Mac OS DevOps environment


  • Install pip and Ansible
  • Ensure Apple's command line tools are installed
  • Run ansible-playbook setup-my-mac.yml -i inventory -K inside this directory. Enter your account password when prompted.

All commands are listed in install.sh

Note: If some Homebrew commands fail, you might need to agree to XCode's license or fix some other Brew issue. Run brew doctor to see if this is the case.

Terminal setup

  • zsh
  • zsh-completions
  • oh-my-zsh
  • iterm2
    • Solarized Dark theme
    • font-inconsolata


  • python

  • pip

  • virtualenv

  • virtualenvwrapper

  • python3

  • ssh-copy-id

  • git

  • tree

  • wget

  • homebrew

  • mas-cli

  • unarchiver

  • nmap

  • httpie

  • csshx

  • whatmask (ipcalculator)

  • caffeine

  • vim

  • java

  • lanscan

Install developer friendly quick look plugins; see https://github.com/sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins

  • brew cask install
    • qlcolorcode
    • qlstephen
    • qlmarkdown
    • quicklook-json
    • qlprettypatch
    • quicklook-csv
    • betterzipql
    • qlimagesize
    • webpquicklook
    • suspicious-package


  • 1Password

  • ansible

  • docker

  • kinematic

  • vagrant

  • virtualbox

  • intellij-idea

    • config
  • sourcetree

  • postman

  • dropbox

  • google-chrome

    • Bookmarks
    • ublock
    • json viewer
    • xmlviewer
    • save to pocket
    • evernote
    • 1Password
    • Xpath helper
  • firefox dev

  • slack

  • atom

    • Install shell command
    • Packages:
      • atom-beautify
      • block-comment
      • file-icons
      • git-history
      • git-log
      • git-projects
      • git-plus
      • language-generic-config
      • language-nagios
      • merge-conflicts
      • open-recent
      • markdown-writer
      • pigments
      • project-manager
      • qulor
  • spotify

  • outlook

  • ms-office

  • MicrosofrRemoteDesktop

  • evernote

  • postico

  • sequelpro

  • skitch

  • skype4b

  • vlc


  • Dbeaver
  • Filezilla
  • coconut battery
  • archi
  • etcher
  • gitbook editor
  • iStumbler
  • Integrity
  • kap
  • macdown
  • MySQLWorkbentch
  • SerialTools
  • Spark (mail)
  • teamviewer
  • transmission
  • wireshark
  • visualvm
  • pandoc
  • colordiff
  • htop
  • rsync
  • HandBrake
  • jmeter

MacOS settings

Show icons for hard drives, servers, and removable media on the desktop

defaults write com.apple.finder ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true defaults write com.apple.finder ShowMountedServersOnDesktop -bool true defaults write com.apple.finder ShowRemovableMediaOnDesktop -bool true

Avoid creating .DS_Store files on network volumes

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true

Personal soft and setup

  • PWmanager scripts

VPN setup

GIT global config

Mail setup


Testing the Playbook

Use Mac virtualbox https://github.com/geerlingguy/macos-virtualbox-vm


https://blog.vandenbrand.org/2016/01/04/how-to-automate-your-mac-os-x-setup-with-ansible/ http://www.nickhammond.com/automating-development-environment-ansible/ https://github.com/simplycycling/ansible-mac-dev-setup/blob/master/main.yml https://github.com/mas-cli/mas https://github.com/geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook https://github.com/osxc https://github.com/MWGriffin/ansible-playbooks/blob/master/sourcetree/sourcetree.yaml