A simple jQuery plugin to allow users to create equal height containers and grids using JavaScript where CSS2 cannot.
Or if you could like the heights to be evaluated on a row-by-row basis.
$('.group-of-elements').equalHeightGrid(n); // Where n is the number of columns.
If you have a responsive layout and need to detect how many columns exist in your layout you can use the following:
var $elements = $('.group-of-elements');
var columns = $elements.detectGridColumns();
If you would like to keep the grids in sync on document ready, window load and resize, you can use the following as a shortcut to the above:
If you would like to run the above code as you enter and exit breakpoints (as opposed to simply binding to window.resize) you can use jRespond and manually manage when "equalHeightGrid" is called.
You can see a demo in action here.