
Tiny testing (spec) BDD framework

Primary LanguageActionScript

Simple specification suite

Currently without some possibly needed stuff, like waiting for receiving events etc, but very intuitive and easy to use.

Main features:

  • comparing values (lol)
  • dealing with throwing errors of functions and function's returned values
  • multiple comparisons in single specification (achieved by simple logical operations)
  • apprehensible desriptions of failed specifications.

Example suite class:

public class ExampleSuite extends Suite {
    public function ExampleSuite() {
    override protected function addSpecs():void {
        add(new ExampleSpec());

Example spec:

public class ExampleSpec extends Spec {

    public function ExampleSpec() {
        super("Example"); //described entity

    override protected function describe():void {
        //dealing with errors
        claim("Spec catches errors").so.calling(raise).shouldThrowError();
        claim("Spec catches errors with specific messages").so.callingWithParams(raise, "a").shouldThrowError("a");
        claim("Spec detects not throwing").so.calling(echo).shouldNotThrowError();
        claim("Spec catches errors with specific messages").so.callingWithParams(raise, "b").shouldNotThrowError("a");
        //dealing with returned values of passed functions
        claim("Spec with values, returned by functions").so.callingWithParams(echo, 1).returnedValue.shouldBeEqual(1);
        claim("Spec compares values").so.value(1).shouldBeEqual(1);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessOrEqual(1);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessOrEqual(2);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessThan(2);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreThan(0);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(0);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(1);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeEqual(1);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldNotBeEqual(2);
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldNotBeNull;
        claim("More comparisons").so.value(null).shouldBeNull;
        //logical statements
        claim("Simple And").so.value(false).shouldBeEqual(false).and.value(true).shouldBeEqual(true);
        claim("Simple Or").so.value(false).shouldBeEqual(true).or.value(true).shouldBeEqual(true);
        claim("Complex logic").so.value(true).shouldBeEqual(false).or.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(-4).and.calling(raise).shouldThrowError();

    private static function echo(value:* = null):* {
        return value;

    private static function raise(message:String = ""):void {
        throw new Error(message);

After instantiating suite and adding specs, result will be printed:

[trace]    [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] - Spec detects not throwing
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] - Spec compares values
[trace] [success] - Spec with values, returned by functions
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - Simple And
[trace] [success] - Simple Or
[trace] [success] - Complex logic
[trace]    [info]
[trace] [success] Total claims: 19. Successful: 19, failed: 0

Other stuff

You can customize your suite by overriding it's init method:

override protected function init():void {
    * Your custom logger, must implement ISpecLogger. 
    * Default logger is instance of TraceSpecLogger class
    setSpecLogger(new MyCustomSpecLogger()); 
    * By default only failed statements params are printed.
    * You can print them all.
    printAll = true;

When you print all result comments (not only failed), output will look like:

[trace]    [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors
[trace] [success]   [function should throw (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success]   [function should throw error with message "a" (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec detects not throwing
[trace] [success]   [function should not throw (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success]   [function should not throw error with message "a", message was "b" (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec compares values
[trace] [success]   [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec with values, returned by functions
[trace] [success]   [function should not throw (success)] AND [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be less or equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be less or equal 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be less than 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be more than 0 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be more or equal 0 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 should be more or equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 is not equal 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [1 is not equal null (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success]   [null is equal null (success)]
[trace] [success] - Simple And
[trace] [success]   [false is equal false (success)] AND [true is equal true (success)]
[trace] [success] - Simple Or
[trace] [success]   [false is equal true (fail)] OR [true is equal true (success)]
[trace] [success] - Complex logic
[trace] [success]   [true is equal false (fail)] OR [1 should be more or equal -4 (success)] AND [function should throw (success)]
[trace]    [info]
[trace] [success] Total claims: 19. Successful: 19, failed: 0

When some specs are failed, output will be like this:

[trace]    [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - one claim
[trace]    [fail] - other claim fails because of:
[trace]    [fail]   [function should throw error with message "expected message", message was: "not expected message" (fail)]
[trace]    [info]
[trace]    [fail] Total claims: 2. Successful: 1, failed: 1


8.07 fixed executionTime and returnedValue blocks so passed function is called only once.

6.07. added execution time (int value in milliseconds) for function specifications. Usage example:

claim("my function is fast").so.calling(heavyCalculations).executionTime.shouldBeLessOrEqual(1);



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