Currently without some possibly needed stuff, like waiting for receiving events etc, but very intuitive and easy to use.
- comparing values (lol)
- dealing with throwing errors of functions and function's returned values
- multiple comparisons in single specification (achieved by simple logical operations)
- apprehensible desriptions of failed specifications.
Example suite class:
public class ExampleSuite extends Suite {
public function ExampleSuite() {
override protected function addSpecs():void {
add(new ExampleSpec());
Example spec:
public class ExampleSpec extends Spec {
public function ExampleSpec() {
super("Example"); //described entity
override protected function describe():void {
//dealing with errors
claim("Spec catches errors").so.calling(raise).shouldThrowError();
claim("Spec catches errors with specific messages").so.callingWithParams(raise, "a").shouldThrowError("a");
claim("Spec detects not throwing").so.calling(echo).shouldNotThrowError();
claim("Spec catches errors with specific messages").so.callingWithParams(raise, "b").shouldNotThrowError("a");
//dealing with returned values of passed functions
claim("Spec with values, returned by functions").so.callingWithParams(echo, 1).returnedValue.shouldBeEqual(1);
claim("Spec compares values").so.value(1).shouldBeEqual(1);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessOrEqual(1);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessOrEqual(2);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeLessThan(2);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreThan(0);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(0);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(1);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldBeEqual(1);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldNotBeEqual(2);
claim("More comparisons").so.value(1).shouldNotBeNull;
claim("More comparisons").so.value(null).shouldBeNull;
//logical statements
claim("Simple And").so.value(false).shouldBeEqual(false).and.value(true).shouldBeEqual(true);
claim("Simple Or").so.value(false).shouldBeEqual(true).or.value(true).shouldBeEqual(true);
claim("Complex logic").so.value(true).shouldBeEqual(false).or.value(1).shouldBeMoreOrEqual(-4).and.calling(raise).shouldThrowError();
private static function echo(value:* = null):* {
return value;
private static function raise(message:String = ""):void {
throw new Error(message);
After instantiating suite and adding specs, result will be printed:
[trace] [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] - Spec detects not throwing
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] - Spec compares values
[trace] [success] - Spec with values, returned by functions
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] - Simple And
[trace] [success] - Simple Or
[trace] [success] - Complex logic
[trace] [info]
[trace] [success] Total claims: 19. Successful: 19, failed: 0
You can customize your suite by overriding it's init method:
override protected function init():void {
* Your custom logger, must implement ISpecLogger.
* Default logger is instance of TraceSpecLogger class
setSpecLogger(new MyCustomSpecLogger());
* By default only failed statements params are printed.
* You can print them all.
printAll = true;
When you print all result comments (not only failed), output will look like:
[trace] [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors
[trace] [success] [function should throw (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] [function should throw error with message "a" (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec detects not throwing
[trace] [success] [function should not throw (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec catches errors with specific messages
[trace] [success] [function should not throw error with message "a", message was "b" (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec compares values
[trace] [success] [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - Spec with values, returned by functions
[trace] [success] [function should not throw (success)] AND [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be less or equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be less or equal 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be less than 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be more than 0 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be more or equal 0 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 should be more or equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 is equal 1 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 is not equal 2 (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [1 is not equal null (success)]
[trace] [success] - More comparisons
[trace] [success] [null is equal null (success)]
[trace] [success] - Simple And
[trace] [success] [false is equal false (success)] AND [true is equal true (success)]
[trace] [success] - Simple Or
[trace] [success] [false is equal true (fail)] OR [true is equal true (success)]
[trace] [success] - Complex logic
[trace] [success] [true is equal false (fail)] OR [1 should be more or equal -4 (success)] AND [function should throw (success)]
[trace] [info]
[trace] [success] Total claims: 19. Successful: 19, failed: 0
When some specs are failed, output will be like this:
[trace] [info] Example:
[trace] [success] - one claim
[trace] [fail] - other claim fails because of:
[trace] [fail] [function should throw error with message "expected message", message was: "not expected message" (fail)]
[trace] [info]
[trace] [fail] Total claims: 2. Successful: 1, failed: 1
8.07 fixed executionTime and returnedValue blocks so passed function is called only once.
6.07. added execution time (int value in milliseconds) for function specifications. Usage example:
claim("my function is fast").so.calling(heavyCalculations).executionTime.shouldBeLessOrEqual(1);