
Errors running with cursive

eoliphan opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, when integrating with cursive/idea per the setup instructions (clojure.main, deps, and the following:

:reveal {:main-opts ["-m" "vlaaad.reveal" "repl"]
                    :extra-paths ["dev"]
                    :extra-deps  {vlaaad/reveal {:mvn/version "1.2.185"}}

Everything works fine from my startup namespace in dev/user.clj. However, switching namespaces doesn't seem to work at all. Evaluating any symbol refs nets you a Unable to resolve symbol: xxx in this context including, unfortunately load-file when you attempt to reload the current ns.

Any suggestions?

Hi! About load-file — I have the same problem, I would suggest adding +1 to this issue: cursive-ide/cursive#2478
About switching namespaces — can you describe how it doesn't work? When I'm in the REPL and I open a file that is not yet loaded, I invoke the "Load File in REPL" IDE command and it works. If it's loaded, I invoke "Switch REPL NS to Current File" and it works. There might be a problem when I do "Switch" before the namespace is loaded. In this case, "Load File" will not work because of the issue above — ns is a freshly created one and is not yet fully initialized. In this situation, I evaluate the ns form at the top and then do "Load File" to load everything else.

Hi @vlaaad, thanks I've +1'ed the issue and yes that workaround takes care of it. "Switch then Load" fails, but "Load then Switch" and the ns-eval work just fine.

My pleasure! I know it's unfortunate that things don't always "just work". On the flip side, I'm happy with this setup because it matches real Clojure evaluation semantics: sequential evaluation of forms, one at a time.